Instructors can work with Educational Resources (765-285-5334) and University Media Services (765-285-2766) to possibly arrange for a captioned or transcript format of a video.

Students must ensure that their professors are aware of their captioning needs early in the semester.

Disability Services (DS) works with the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology to introduce students to hearing enhancement systems.

Contact Disability Services for further information.

Interpreters are available upon request.

Disability Services does not train or evaluate interpreters, but works with a local agency to coordinate interpreting services.

Requests for interpreter services must be made well in advance due to the limited number of interpreters in the area.

Our office can help recruit or refer notetakers for you if you need this service.

Notetakers are hired from within the class for which you need notes provided in an accessible format.

Supervision of notetakers is the primary responsibility of the student. Please notify our office if you are experiencing problems with your notetakers and we can assist you.

Request Notetaking Services

You may request notetaking services by contacting our staff. We ask for ample lead time to ensure we are able to find someone to help provide this service.

Students registered with our office can receive priority class scheduling. This means students with disabilities will be able to begin registering for courses before other students.

Priority registration does not supersede considerations such as prerequisites or courses that need departmental permission for registration.

Some administrative offices and residence halls on campus have TTY phones available for use.

list of TTY phone numbers is on our website or call Disability Services’ TTY number (765-285-2206) to request the list.

For More Information

If you have questions or need additional assistance from our office, please call or email us.

Contact Us