For anyone with or working on a master’s degree, our license for a director of exceptional needs prepares you to handle the administration, finances, and legal needs of special education programs. This program, offered entirely online, leads to Indiana licensure (residents of other states should discuss this program with their boards of education before beginning this program). Learn more.
You will be prepared to work with students with hearing impairments through our all-online license in deaf education program. You will need a licensure evaluation from Ball State before starting the program. Learn more.
Our license in early childhood special education program focuses on teaching infants and toddlers who require mild to intense interventions. You will need a licensure evaluation from Ball State before starting the program. Learn more.
A license in Exceptional Needs--mild interventions K-12, can be added to an existing teaching license, Course content and field experiences in our all-online mild interventions licensing program focus on specific learning disabilities, mild developmental disorders, and mild behavior issues. Learn more.
This online program offers those with an existing teaching license the opportunity to add the Indiana license for Exceptional Needs – Intense Interventions K-12. Courses focus on knowledge and skills necessary to successfully support the learning needs of students with moderate to profound intellectual impairment, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, and other disability categories. Learn more.
Other Licenses and Certifications
Our Office of Teacher Education Services and Clinical Practices offers other training and certification programs that are often requirements for educators.