Initial Practitioner License Requirements
Designed for students who seek a Director of Career and Technical Education license required for administering career programs and facilities. This addresses Indiana REPA license requirements.
Mode of Delivery
This program is offered completely online.
Faculty Advisor
Edward J. Lazaros, PhD
The 30-credit Director of Career and Technical Education license program requires the following courses.
- BED 693 Philosophy, Organization, and Administration of CTE (3 credits) (Typically Summer 1)
- EDAC 631 Adult and Community Education (3 credits) (Typically Fall or Spring)
or EDAC 632 Organizing Adult and Community Education Programs (3 credits) (Typically Spring)
- EDAD 600 Introduction to Educational Leadership (3 credits) (Typically Fall, Spring, Summer 1, or Summer 2)
- EDAD 684 Educational Finance and Ethics (3 credits) (Typically Fall, Spring, Summer 1, or Summer 2)
- *EDAD 696 Superintendent Internship (3 or 6 credits) Please review the important information about the application deadlines for this course by visiting this web page.
- SPCE 637 Special Education Administration and Law (3 credits) (Typically Spring or Full Summer)
Your choice of one of these courses:
- CTE 625 Problems and Issues (3 credits) (Typically Spring)
- CTE 660 Organizational Safety and Health (3 credits) (Typically Summer 2)
- CTE 696 Coordinating Training Programs (3 credits) (Typically Summer 2)
Your choice of one of these courses:
- BED 620 Improvement of Instruction with Technology (3 credits) (Typically Fall)
- CTE 622 Instructional Materials and Strategies for Improvement of Instruction (3 credits) (Typically Fall)
- CTE 692 Managing Work-Based Learning Programs (3 credits) (Typically Summer 1)
Your choice of one of these courses:
- BED 616 Research Methods (3 credits) (Typically Spring)
- EDPS 640 Methodology of Educational and Psychological Research (3 credits) (Typically Fall, Spring, Summer 1, or Summer 2)
For a complete list of program requirements, see the course catalog.
View Catalog
*EDAD 696 Superintendent Internship Requirements
6 credits in EDAD 696 are required unless the student previously took an internship for another administrative license, in which case 3 credits may be required, pending review.
You must fill out an application for an EDAD 696 internship one semester in advance. Please contact the internship director, Dr. Tracy Caddell, for more information and an application by these dates:
- Fall internship: June 1
- Spring internship: Oct. 1
- Summer internship: March 1
Those completing the Director of Career and Technical Education (CTE) license must identify a CTE director to supervise the two semesters of district-level internships (EDAD 696) prior to registering for the courses. Visit and contact CTE directors on this list to see if one of them is willing to assist you. Once a CTE director on this list fully agrees to work with you as part of the internships, please send a single email with the name, title, contact information, and school/district affiliation for the CTE director to Dr. Tracy Caddell and Dr. Edward J. Lazaros for them to approve this person. Including professional biographical information about the CTE director is encouraged. The final approval rests with either or both of the two aforementioned Ball State University faculty.
Admission Requirements
You will first want to make sure you meet the admission requirements for the licensure program.
Who Can Qualify?
Candidates must meet the following:
- Hold one (1) of the following licenses:
- A Proficient Practitioner license or an Accomplished Practitioner license with at least one (1) of the content areas in career and technical education according to the Indiana Standard License Assignment Code.
- A Workplace Specialist II license with two (2) years of full-time teaching experience in an accredited vocational school in the grade level and vocational content area listed on the license.
- A Proficient Practitioner license or an Accomplished Practitioner license in Building Level Administrator, Superintendent, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, or Director of Exceptional Needs.
- A Proficient Practitioner license or an Accomplished Practitioner license that includes the content area of Business or Technology Education.
- Successfully complete the content for director of career and technical education.
- Successfully complete a master's degree.
- If you plan to pursue the Master of Arts in Career and Technical Education with the Director of CTE license, you must complete one application for each program. If you plan to request financial aid, you must be admitted to a degree seeking program such as the Master of Arts in CTE.
Also required:
Verified valid CPR/Heimlich Maneuver certification and Suicide Prevention training through a state-approved training program. Also, complete a required state criminal background check.
Apply Now
Request a Transcript Review
For current or prospective students who have graduate level coursework that may count toward the Director of Career and Technical Education license, please contact the Office of Teacher Education Services and Clinical Practice (OTES / CP) to request a transcript review: 765-285-1168 or For non-Ball State University Students, there is a $35.00 fee. For current or former Ball State University students, there is no fee. To complete this process online, please visit the OTES / CP website and follow the directions completely.
Ball State is authorized to accept online students from all U.S. states. Certain conditions may apply depending on what regulations your state has and what degree you are seeking. Learn more about state authorization for non-Indiana students.