The U.S. Department of Education requires that any U.S. college or university offering online or distance programs to citizens in a state where the program is not physically located to meet the requirements of those other states to legally offer postsecondary, online education to their residents.
The regulations for authorization vary from state to state.
Currently Accepting . . .
Ball State, located in Indiana, is currently authorized by or pursuing authorization from all states, plus Washington, D.C., and U.S. territories. However, in a few states because of state-specific licensing issues, we are not allowed to admit students in nursing programs. In addition, New York and Kentucky have unusual special exceptions.
You may also check with the advisor for the program in which you are interested.
State Authorization Map
All online, out-of-state students need to check this map to determine if their states currently allow them to enroll at Ball State. Please check regularly for updates.
We urge you to review the regulations regarding authorization of your specific state if you are all of the following:
- a U.S. citizen
- do not live in Indiana
- are thinking about enrolling in a Ball State online program
If you apply to Ball State, we encourage you to check for program authorization and licensure requirements in your state of residence. If you move to a new state, please return to our map to confirm your program is also approved in that state.
Professional Licensure
If the field you are studying requires professional licensure, make sure you are aware of license requirements within the state in which you wish to work.
Complaint Resolution
If you have any questions or issues related to Ball State and state authorization, we encourage you to review our complaint resolution policy and contact us. We will make sure the person who can best help you will contact you within one business day.
You may also wish to log complaints with your own state officials.
Contact State Authorization Administrator Leilani Mascio at or 765-285-5910.

NC-SARA Participation
Ball State University participates in the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. This group has established a reciprocity process among member states to help ensure high quality standards are met in relation to state authorizations for distance learning.
Through SARA, Ball State may provide online education to residents of any other member state without seeking authorization from each of those states individually. In addition, Ball State is authorized in California, which has chosen not to participate in SARA.