The School of Music Piano Pedagogy Program provides an opportunity for individuals of all ages and levels to pursue piano instruction with School of Music faculty and student teachers.

Anyone interested in studying piano should contact Dr. Lori Rhoden, professor of piano and coordinator of piano pedagogy and group piano, by email or call 765-285-5449.

Opportunities for Children and Adults

Open to children ages 6-8, this class meets in fall semesters of odd-numbered years on Tuesdays from 5-5:50 p.m. beginning usually in the 5th week of the semester.

Dr. Lori Rhoden teaches the class with assistance from Ball State students registered for the class MUSP 425/525 - Elementary Piano Pedagogy and Literature.

The fee for the class is $150, which includes all group classes, a final student recital, and all music/materials for the class.

The class is an introductory experience that emphasizes the development of comprehensive musicianship including keyboard technique, music notation reading, singing, aural development, movement, and music theory.

No previous musical experience is necessary.

At least one parent must accompany the child for an interview with Dr. Rhoden in order to be considered for the class.

Children must commit to participation in the class for the entire semester and need to have regular access to a piano or digital keyboard.

Upon the completion of the class, Dr. Rhoden consults with the parents regarding the options for further piano study.

Private piano lessons are offered for teenagers and adults by Ball State students in connection with the class MUSP 425/525 - Elementary Piano Pedagogy and Literature during the fall semesters of odd-numbered years.

Individuals take piano lessons once a week for 30 minutes beginning usually in the 5th week of the semester, scheduled at the mutual convenience of students and teachers.

The fee for the lessons is $150, which includes all lessons, a final student recital, and all appropriate music/materials.

Individuals must commit to participation in the program for the entire semester.

No previous musical experience is necessary.

Individuals must meet with Dr. Lori Rhoden for an interview in order to be considered for lessons in the program.

A limited number of practice rooms are available in the music buildings for student practicing. Upon the completion of the semester, Dr. Rhoden consults with students and parents of minors regarding the options for further piano study.

Private piano lessons are offered for teenagers and adults by Ball State students in connection with the class MUSP 426/526 - Intermediate Piano Pedagogy and Literature during the spring semesters of even-numbered years.

Individuals take piano lessons once a week for 40 minutes beginning usually in the 5th week of the semester, scheduled at the mutual convenience of students and teachers.

The fee for the lessons is $150, which includes all lessons, a final student recital, and all appropriate music and materials.

Individuals must commit to participation in the program for the entire semester.

A limited number of practice rooms are available in the music buildings for student practicing.

Upon the completion of the semester, Dr. Rhoden consults with students and parents of minors regarding the options for further piano study.

Individuals of all ages and levels who are looking for a piano instructor at any time are welcome to contact Dr. Lori Rhoden for a referral to a private piano instructor.

Individuals who study piano with a Ball State faculty member or music major are eligible to participate in Piano Pedagogy Program events.

Composed by Ball State University music majors, Movements in Rhythm features 15 one-page pieces that range from the upper-elementary level to the early-intermediate level. Each piece is designed to teach specific sixteenth-note rhythmic patterns in both simple and compound meters. The pieces all have a sense of “movement,” with many of them using dance and folk rhythmic patterns.    

Price: $8

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Movements in Rhythm Instructional Videos

Questions? Pease contact Dr. Lori Rhoden.