Anthony Vito
Anthony Vito
Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Curriculum Vitae


Room:NQ 284

Dr. Anthony G. Vito received his Ph.D. in Justice Administration from the University of Louisville. His research areas include policing, drug use, criminological theory, and issues surrounding race/gender in the criminal justice system. Dr. Vito welcomes the opportunity to work with undergraduate and graduate students on research and is an active member of the Teacher-Scholar program at BSU. Dr. Vito is also an Assistant Editor for the Journal of Criminal Justice and Law. His most recent publications are in Women & Criminal Justice, Substance Use & Misuse, and Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice.


Ph.D. in Justice Administration

University of Louisville

Featured Scholarship

Vito, G.F., Vito, A.G., & Higgins, G.E. (Accepted). The gender gap in attitudes towards capital punishment and life without parole (LWOP) in Kentucky. Women & Criminal Justice.

Intravia, J., Vito, A.G., & Rocheleau, G.C. (2022). Low Self-Control and Vaping: The Mediating Role of Health and Risk Perceptions. Substance Use & Misuse, 57(6), 956-966.

Vito, A.G., & Higgins, G.E. (2021). Understanding the role of race, gender and age in request to consent search drivers. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 19 (3-4), 223-243.