Ball State University does not grant a degree in pharmacy. Instead, our program prepares you to apply to pharmacy school at Butler University, Purdue University and Manchester University.
Please be aware that admission to a four-year pharmacy school is competitive. The minimum overall GPA for consideration is a 3.0 although the mean GPA for admission of transfer students is closer to a 3.75. Important attributes assessed in students include verbal and written communication skills, understanding of the profession, commitment to patient care and professionalism. While the requirements are high, your Ball State advisor will help guide you along the way, and help you prepare to change your path if you decide not to pursue pharmacy school.
Some of the common courses you will take to complete the pre-pharmacy program include:
- BIO 111 – Principles of Biology 1
- BIO 215 – Cell Biology
- BIO 313 – Microbiology
- CHEM 111 and CHEM 112 – General Chemistry 1 and 2
- PHYS 215 – Human Physiology
- MATH 161 or MATH 165 – Calculus
For a complete list of all the classes you will take as part of this program and their descriptions, please see our Course Catalog.
View Catalog