INDi recognized as a Ball State University knowledge group
January 2015
- Formed by an interdisciplinary group of faculty members from five departments, across four colleges
- Created Logo
- Created Goals
- Trifold brochure for INDi
- Trifold brochure for IoT&U Conference
- Flyer for IoT&U Conference
- Creation of Website
Grant from Cisco Systems
June 2015
- Creation of a state-wide conference
- Creation of interdisciplinary course
Creation and implementation of Interdisciplinary Curriculum
Spring 2016
- Features instructors from 5 different colleges
- McClung, D. (2016, March 14). Keeping Patient Information Secure When Implementing IoT. Retrieved March 24, 2016, from http://www.healthitoutcomes.com/doc/keeping-patient-information-secure-when-implementing-iot-0001
- Hamilton, V. (2016, March 23). INDi Works to Make Ordinary Devices Brilliant. Retrieved April 11, 2016, from http://www.ballstatedaily.com/article/2016/03/news-indi
- Price, J., Heron, R., & Butler, D. L. (2016). Future Internet of Things Technologies: Psychological Variables Influencing Adoption. Midwest Undergraduate Cognitive Science Conference. Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
- Caballero, A., Heron, R., & Butler (2016). Exploring the Relationship Between Personality Factors and the Adoption of Smart Technologies. MidAmerica Undergraduate Research Conference, Richmond, IN.
- Leithner, S. M., & Caballero, A. M. & Butler, D. L. (2016) Physical Activity Monitors: Exploring Some Psychological Variables. Butler University Undergraduate Research Conference. Butler University, Indianapolis.
- Price, J., Heron, R., & Butler, D. L. (2016). Psychological Variables Influencing Adoption of Future Internet of Things Technologies. Butler University Undergraduate Research Conference. Butler University, Indianapolis.
- Braun, H., Gustin, K. ,Helmer, S., & Butler (2016). Physical Activity Tracking: Today and Tomorrow. Ball State University Research Symposium, Muncie, IN
- Jones, Kyle, and Martin, Brady. (4/8/16). Assessment of Internet of Things Device Security. 2016 Student Symposium. Ball State University
- Knepp, Anthony. (4/8/16). IoT User Privacy and Security Perceptions. 2016 Student Symposium. Ball State University
Internal Funding from Ball State University
- Provost funding for INDi education initiatives
- CICS funding for INDi initiatives
- Academic Excellence Grant Submission
March 2016
March 2016
September 2015
Creation of INDi Associates program
- Four members from four different colleges
March 2016
IoT Equipment Inventory for INDi Associates
March 2016
- Brought TechPoint to Ball State and formed partnership for future
INDi Planned Activities
Creation of IoT Smart Home laboratory
Summer 2017
- Devices purchased to upgrade equipment
- Used to research and test current IoT consumer market
- Research compatibility between IoT manufacturers and devices
- Test user experience with new IoT equipment
- How do IoT devices interact with each other from the factory
- Discovery of security vulnerabilities in consumer IoT equipment