Applying Research to Practice

Established in 1985, the American Journal of Business (AJB) is an applied business publication featuring research on contemporary issues. From accounting to marketing, management to finance, the AJB prominently covers the breadth of the business disciplines as a general business outlet intended for both practitioners and academics. The journal follows a double-blind review policy by two or more reviewers, with the first review of manuscripts usually completed within 8-10 weeks of submission. The manuscript acceptance rate is approximately 25 percent.

The American Journal of Business, formerly known as the Mid-American Journal of Business, is listed as a “Commendable Journal” by Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and appears in respected academic journal directories including Cabell's, EBSCO, and RePEc. The AJB has also been recognized for excellence in publications design by the Association for University Business and Economic Research.

A consortium of AACSB-accredited business schools—including Ball State's Miller College of Business—supports and directs journal operations. Ball State University is a founding member of the journal, and CBER served as the managing office for the first 25 volumes. Judy Lane was managing editor 1985-2010.

The American Journal of Business can be accessed through and Emerald Publishing.

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As of 2011, all publishing and subscription responsibilities are handled by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.