You need top-notch employees, and we need projects to work on. Through collaboration between your business and our center, we can accomplish both.
Our faculty and students can be impartial contributors on any type of project you need. We’ve done things such as proprietary work with major insurance companies to doing a risk management survey for the Indiana Toll Road.
actuarial science and
risk management insurance faculty are well-versed in their fields and our students are on the fast track to landing
great careers and making impacts in their communities.
Companies from across the world have chosen our students as their employees. These are some of the businesses that have hired our students:
- Lincoln Financial Group Foundation
- State Farm
- Travelers Insurance
- WellPoint
Each October, we offer a career fair for our students and businesses to connect. We’ve seen great success there. A number of our students walk away with multiple job offers or internships.
There are several ways for you to get involved with the center. We would love to have you at the career fair, or you can deal directly with the university’s Career Center. Sometimes, we will invite businesses to speak to our Actuarial Science Club or Gamma Sigma Iota Fraternity.
If you are interested in learning how you can be connected to our students and the center, contact codirectors Gary Dean or Steve Avila.