Many colleges offer hands-on learning experiences, but Ball State University is known for its high-impact classes. Other colleges might offer a few opportunities for a few select students, but at Ball State, any student who wants to participate can do so. It is something that makes your time as a Cardinal unique and sets you apart from other graduates. You will have the experience and skills that employers are looking for. We encourage you to take at least one of the following during your time at Ball State.
Immersive Learning
Want to make an impact in the world now? Take an immersive learning course! Each immersive learning class works with a community partner on a project that addresses a real-world problem. Over the last two decades, more than 50,000 Ball State students have taken an immersive learning course learning leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills through collaboration with their faculty, peers, and community partners. See recent projects and find out more here.
Undergraduate Research
At some universities, only graduate students and faculty do research. Not at Ball State. Undergraduate research courses are offered in departments all over campus. Students in the sciences, social sciences, humanities, design, and arts all engage in cutting-edge research under the mentorship of dedicated faculty. Many students present their research at the annual Ball State Student Symposium or at other regional and national academic and professional conferences. Learn more here.
Diverse Perspectives
Recognition and respect for different cultural traditions, beliefs, and worldviews are some of the most important things you can learn in college. Diverse perspectives courses have at least one major assignment solely focused on issues in US diversity or world cultures, and students are expected to take an active role in their learning with many opportunities for deep discussion and reflection.
Study Abroad and Away
Each year, hundreds of Ball State students leave our beautiful campus to work on their degrees from elsewhere in the world. With faculty-led study abroad and study away, Ball State students get to experience new geographies, cultures, and customs with fellow students and Ball State faculty. Students who haven’t traveled before college like having a group to share their adventures with. Our Office of Study Abroad can help every student find a trip that fits with their interests and major.