Courtesy of gifts from Victor and Doris Lawhead, the Lawhead Award in General Education recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to Ball State University's Core Curriculum (UCC) program. In many respects, the core curriculum has become Ball State's signature program. The university is widely recognized for its leadership in using general and liberal studies as an academic framework. The core curriculum is frequently the foundation for teaching innovations, and it provides focus for faculty scholarship. 

The Lawhead Award encourages the continued strengthening of Ball State's core curriculum by rewarding faculty who have enhanced our image as a strong teaching university. In particular, the award recognizes the person's contribution to the core curriculum program and nominations should address such contributions. Past recipients of the Lawhead Award in General Education received a plaque, monetary award, and recognition at the Fall Faculty Convocation.

Anyone can nominate a deserving faculty member, so we encourage you to share this information with colleagues and students in UCC classes. The nomination form (PDF) and supporting materials are due to the Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Affairs on January 23, 2024.

If you need more information about the award or the process, please contact us.

Complete the Nomination Form (PDF)