Congratulations to all who participated in the 29th Annual Student Symposium! Over 225 student presenters represented all seven academic colleges. See the list of awardees below.
Student Symposium Winners
Dr. James & Betsy Pyle Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Science
- Ella Talley (CSH) - Development of a Novel Assay System for the Detection of the enzymatic dihydroxylation of aliphatic olefines
Keys - Litten - Smith Undergraduate Awardees
- Jack Gill, Christian Jenkins, Joseph Wilson, Claire Weseman (CSH) - The effect of spatial anxiety and working memory on spatial navigation
- Abby Yake, Leah Sodo (CSH) - Embryonic and Juvenile Associative Learning in Fathead Minnows (Pimephales promelas)
- Katelyn Swope (CSH) - Electrical Capabilities of DNA Structures
Keys - Litten - Smith Graduate Awardees
- Sarah Gordon, Sai Siddartha Vemuri, Shahrzad Bazyari, Andrew Netter, and Marius Igitangaza Ngabo (CAP) - Speculation on the Middle
- Ava Kinser (CSH) - 5-HT1A regulates axon outgrowth in a subpopulation of serotonergic neurons
- Leah Reese (CSH) - Changing Hydrology Alters Microbial Community Structure in a Boreal Peatland
Teacher - Scholar Awardees
- Rebecca Wacker, Yolanda Johnson, Brianna Ramone, Luc Herrington (CSH) - Tracing Lithics on Lake Superior
Oral Presentations Day Winners
Keys - Litten - Smith Undergraduate Awardees
- Payton Glesing, Zoe Trampke-Lee, Bethia Busingye, Shaina Miller (CSH) - International Responses to the Sahel Drought: A Past and Contemporary Case Study in Environmental Justice
- Ian Kowalski (Honors College) - Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Reservoir
- Olivia Glaeser (CSH) - Sex-dependent differences in mouse models with varied muscle glycogen levels
Keys - Litten - Smith Graduate Awardees
- Collin Kriegbaum (CSH) - Exploring Alexithymia as a Potential Mediator in the Connection Between Insecure Attachment Styles and Social Anxiety
- Chhiring Sherpa (CSH) - Expression analysis of Dhx36 and selective pro-angiogenic genes involved in regulating coronary angiogenesis in endothelial cell-specific Dhx36 knockout embryonic mouse hearts
- Marcia Freeman (TC) - What if I Told You Sugar is Poison?
Teacher - Scholar Awardees
- Alexandria Purdue, Griffin Hays (CAP) - I Had My Prom at a Masonic Temple