Faculty have the right to inspect and review the education records of any student.

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Correct! Faculty generally receive no access to student records beyond their class and grade rosters. Faculty do not have access to the student academic records unless their normal job duties specifically require access.

An advisor does not have to allow a student to inspect and review her personal notes about the student that are held in a file in the desk of the adviser’s office.

Correct! These notes are considered personal property and not part of a student’s educational record.

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We should provide data to an accounting firm that asks for a list of all the accounting students who are in the top 10 percent of the senior class.

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Correct! Although potentially beneficial for the student, this information cannot be shared without the student’s permission.

Tom Faculty has posted the grades of all the students in his class on the wall outside his office. This is a violation of FERPA.

Maybe... It depends on how the grades are posted. If the grades are posted by some “code” known only by the student and instructor (as opposed to by name, student ID number, SSN), then it is not a violation. It is best not to post grades in any way.

Maybe... It depends on how the grades are posted. If the grades are posted by some “code” known only by the student and instructor (as opposed to by name, student ID number, SSN), then it is not a violation. It is best not to post grades in any way.

A student’s degree can be confirmed to some external (outside of BSU) source without first obtaining the permission of the student because BSU identifies “degree” as directory information.

Correct! Any information listed as directory information can be released without the student’s permission unless the student has filed a “privacy restriction” form with the Office of Registration and Academic Progress.

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A student has a right to inspect information in his or her file in the Registrar’s Office and in his or her major department.

Correct! The student has the right to inspect any university file that contains any type of information about the student.

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Student representatives on committees (e.g. honors, judicial, etc.) have the right to see other students’ education records during the deliberations of that committee if they have been designated as school officials.

Correct! Students should be instructed as to the confidentiality of all information learned in these types of committees.

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An institution must give its students the opportunity to withhold the release of any or all designated items of directory information.

Correct! The Student Authorization to Disclose Information to Third Parties form is available in the Office of Registration & Academic Progress and online.

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It is permissible to distribute graded examinations by placing them on a table for the students to pick up after class

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Correct! Graded material should never be left out for “pick-up”. It should always be under some type of supervision and, when the student is not personally known, distributed only when proper identification is shown.

In writing a letter of recommendation, it is permissible for a faculty member to include a student’s grades and GPA without obtaining the student’s written permission since the student requested the faculty member to write the recommendation and provided a copy of her resume with the requested information to the faculty member.

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Correct! GPA and grade information, no matter how high, should not be included in a letter of recommendation unless the student gives permission.

A student’s written permission is required before an institution releases information to a national research organization conducting a study on the advantages and disadvantages of selective admissions.

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An institution must release any information identified as directory information by the institution to anyone upon request.

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Correct! FERPA gives permission for the university to release information designated as directory. It is not required. The operative word is “may.”

A former student has the same right to inspect and review his record as a student who is currently attending the institution.


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To be an “educational record”, a piece of information must be:

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Which of the following is required from students by FERPA before releasing information about them?

Correct! But only of the student did not waive the right to see the letter of recommendation. If the students waived the right to see it, the letter remains confidential.

A student has the right to review which of the following information about him that is maintained by the institution

Correct! But only of the student did not waive the right to see the letter of recommendation. If the students waived the right to see it, the letter remains confidential.

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All of the items listed in the following questions are found in various offices of the institution. Please answer whether or not they would be considered education records.

Is the following information considered education records?

a) Class roster with all students names on it


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b) A traffic violation of a student kept in the institution’s security office

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Correct! Public Safety records are not covered by FERPA.

c) The honor roll list


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d) The annual giving record of an ex-student

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Correct! This type of information is not considered an educational record.

e) A note made in the student record by a faculty member of an advising session with a student

Correct! Although a note by a faculty member, it was made in the student’s record. Therefore, it becomes a part of that record.

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f) Notes taken by the institution’s Affirmative Action officer when interviewing students regarding a sexual harassment charge made against a faculty member

Correct! Any record or notes relating to judicial issues, policy challenges, etc. are considered educational records.

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g) Student photographs on a department’s bulletin board identifying the majors of that department

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h) Medical records made and maintained by the university’s contracted doctor related to the treatment of a student

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Correct! Medical records are not considered part of the educational record, but are held in confidence by other federal policies.

i) The employment records of an individual who is a full-time employee of the institution and is also a part-time student

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Correct. Employment records are not covered by FERPA and should not be included in any educational record file.

j) Scores of a student who took the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)

Correct! This information is handled as any other graded assignment.

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k) Test scores of a group of students identified only by ID number and kept in a faculty member’s office files only


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l) A faculty member’s note about a student having an epileptic seizure in one of his classes and kept in his locked office files.

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Correct! Personal notes made by a faculty or staff member for personal use are not considered educational records and are not covered by FERPA.

m) Financial information on a student’s parents filed in the Financial Aid office.

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Correct! Parent information is not considered an educational record and therefore not covered under FERPA.

Thank you for successfully completing the quiz on student privacy and FERPA procedures. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Office of the Registrar.

Third-party requests for student directory information must now be submitted as an open records request through the Office of General Counsel.