Members check in at a fitness center

Participating in a recreation service or program is a great way to meet new friends, relieve stress, and stay healthy. This is why our facilities are so busy! It is important to be respectful of other users and our staff to ensure everyone enjoys their visit.

Members should understand the Ball State Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities as it is expected that all of our members follow them when participating with us. Employees of the university are also expected to follow expectations outlined in the university employee handbook as well. Failure to do so may result in loss of access to our services and programs and further discipline.


  • Wash your hands regularly and utilize the sanitizing stations throughout the facility. 
  • You must comply with all Recreation Services employee instructions and requests (written or unwritten).
  • Know your limitations! We urge you to consult a physician regarding your ability to participate in our services or programs.
  • The university assumes all participants have verified their own health and fitness requirements, have and hold proper medical insurance, and realize they are at risk of injuries and accidents inherent to participation in recreational activities.
  • Valid university identification is required of all members for use in all facilities and programs.
  • Children under the age of 14 must be supervised by a parent or guardian at all times. They are prohibited from entering any of our fitness centers at any time.
  • Ball State is not responsible for lost, left-behind, or stolen personal items.
  • Members and guests are asked NOT to bring valuables to any recreation facility.
  • Bicycles are prohibited in all indoor recreation and athletic facilities. Bike racks are available at most entrances to recreation facilities.
  • Physical activity beyond walking is prohibited in all hallways, public spaces, and non-activity spaces. This includes riding anything with wheels.
  • Spitting is prohibited everywhere in our facilities with the exception of trash cans.
  • Posting of announcements or signage in any recreation or athletic facility without prior staff approval is prohibited.
  • Animals of any kind are prohibited with the exception of service animals.
  • Private lessons or personal training outside of those provided by the Office of Recreation Services are prohibited in all of our facilities (including outdoor facilities).
  • Proper and clean athletic shoes and clothing are required. Shoes must be free of mud or dirt.
  • Shirts must be worn at all times. A proper shirt completely covers the front torso, back torso below the shoulders, and abdomen at all times even while exercising.
  • Facility music is intended for background use only.
  • Only recognized university departments, student organizations, and contracted outside groups are permitted to reserve activity spaces. For more information on reserving individual space, please contact The Office of Sports Facilities Management at 765-285-1151.

Recreation Services Conduct Procedures

When an alleged violation occurs within or adjacent to the facilities of the Office of Recreation Services or in the context of programs sponsored by that office, the conduct procedures found at Recreation Services conduct procedures will apply. Recreation Services will on occasion refer incidents for review and possible adjudication by the Office of Student Conduct.

5.3.1    Preliminary Meeting

a.   Pending results of an investigative review of an incident, the student’s I.D. or Recreation Privilege Card will be “turned off” and the student will not have the privilege of utilizing facilities or programs within Recreation Services.

b.   A preliminary meeting will be convened in a timely manner with the student(s) in question and a designated Recreation Services staff member (a professional staff member within Recreation Services) to discuss the incident.

c.   The student may plead “responsible” for the behavior and the staff member may assign sanctions.

d.   If a student pleads “not responsible” for the behavior, the case will be referred to an Administrative Hearing.

e.   A student who fails to appear for a Preliminary Meeting will have their case referred to an Administrative Hearing.

5.3.2    Recreation Services Administrative Hearing

a.   Administrative Hearings are conducted by a designated Recreation Services staff member (a professional staff member within Recreation Services). The student(s) will be given the opportunity to present witnesses or other evidence to support their claims. The staff member conducting the hearing will determine responsibility and, if necessary, assign sanctions.

b.   A written notice indicating the findings of the hearing and sanctions will be emailed to the student’s Ball State email address.

c.   When a violation is believed to be a team violation, that team may be represented at the Administrative Hearing by the team captain or another designated team member. Sanctions may be administered collectively to the team or individually against team members.

5.3.3    Appeal Process

a.   Students have an opportunity to appeal any decision of discipline from any member of the Recreation Services staff.

b.   All appeals of disciplinary decisions must be directed to the Executive Director of Auxiliary Services for Sports and Recreation Facilities Operations and Event Management. All appeals of disciplinary decisions must be made in writing within three business days of the receipt of the original decision.

c.   A student may appeal based on the following reasons:

1)   A procedural or substantive error occurred that significantly affected the outcome of the hearing, such as substantiated bias or material deviation from established procedures;

2)   An unduly harsh sanction was imposed;

3)   New information of a substantive nature sufficient to affect the outcome became available, and such information and/or facts were not known to the student organization appealing or its individual members at the time of the original hearing.

d.   An appeal may be resolved in one of the following ways:

1)   The original decision may be upheld.

2)   Modified, lesser sanctions may be imposed.

3)   The case may be remanded back for a new hearing.

4)   All allegations may be dismissed.

e.   Appeal decisions shall be based solely upon the written documentation of the incident and a written statement of appeal from the student or patron.

f.    The appellate decision shall be final and will not be subject to any further appeal.

5.3.4    Referrals to the Office of Student Conduct

a. Any case will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct for adjudication or for consideration of additional sanctions when:

(1). A student’s alleged violations are of a more serious nature and may warrant consideration of probation, suspension, or expulsion from the University.

(2). The complexity and nature of the violation warrants referral.


Recreational Services administrators may impose one or more of the following sanctions when a student is found responsible for violations of the Ball State Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities or Ball State Recreation Services Guidelines found at

a.   Official Reprimand: Statement of warning provided verbally or in writing stating that the continuation of or repetition of unacceptable behavior may lead to further disciplinary action.

b.   Restriction: Suspension from use of or participation in Recreation Services facilities or programs for a pre-determined period of time.

c.   Forfeit: Outcomes (e.g., a recorded win) of previous activities are struck from the record.

d.   Restitution: A student, whose actions cause damage to public or private property or injury to another person, may be required to provide monetary reimbursement for restoration of or replacement of property or for medical bills related to injuries.

e.   Conduct Probation: For a specified period of time during which the student must demonstrate a willingness and ability to conform to all University regulations. Any violation of University policy while on Conduct Probation may result in referral to the Office of Student Conduct with the possibility of suspension or expulsion from the University.

The intent of our posted open recreation hours in our activity spaces is to provide our members with opportunities to pursue popular activities in a convenient drop-in basis.

  • Uses of these spaces are on a first-come, first-served basis. 
  • Open recreation activities are never exclusive. All valid members in the activity space must be given an opportunity to join a current game in an agreed upon and reasonable manner.
  • Staff members are present to ensure safe access for valid members, address minor maintenance issues, and initiate any emergency procedures. It is the expectation that participants solve minor disagreements themselves in a respectful manner.
  • Specific fields, courts, etc. may have designated priority uses at specific times. Please visit our facility page to learn more.
  • No eligible varsity athlete or varsity team may pursue their particular sport skills or sports conditioning during open recreation periods while other students or eligible members are utilizing the activity space.
  • Varsity athletes may use the open recreation times and space (this includes the student fitness center and track) on an individual basis (two or less) if no student or other recreation member is present.
  • Varsity athletes, on an individual basis, may pursue activities outside of their sport at any time during open recreation (i.e. football players playing basketball).
  • Any violations of this understanding will result in forfeiture of recreation privileges in accordance with established Recreation Services disciplinary policies.
  • Patrons use all fitness equipment at their own risk. Knowledge of fitness equipment is the responsibility of the patron.
  • Food, drinks, and tobacco are prohibited. Water is permitted in sport bottles only.
  • Children under the age of 14 are prohibited.
  • Weights and dumbbells must be returned to proper location after use. Dumbbells and plates should be placed on racks according to their weight.
  • Spotters are encouraged with all free-weight exercises. Patrons must provide their own spotters.
  • Collars are required on all free weight bars.
  • Shouting or grunting loudly, horse play, and offensive language are prohibited.
  • Use of all fitness equipment other than for its designated function is prohibited.
  • Please wipe all equipment after use.
  • Weights may not leave the lower level fitness room.
  • Please use designated areas for core or abdominal exercises and stretching.
  • Misuse of any fitness equipment may be grounds for dismissal.
  • Please share equipment by permitting others to work in between sets. Limit lengthy rest between sets while patrons are waiting.
  • Some equipment may have time limits during use.
  • All aisles must remain clear. Use designated storage areas for all backpacks and bags.
  • Patrons are prohibited from taking photos or video in fitness center.

While personal electronic devices are not prohibited in recreation facilities, we expect that they are used in a respectful and safe manner. Please be courteous of others around you while use your device. If your use becomes a distraction to others, you may be asked to turn your device off or asked to leave the facility.

Taking photos or videos of other users without their permission is prohibited and will result in disciplinary action, which may include loss of recreation privileges.

Official media requests, including student media outlets, must submit their request to Marketing and Communications prior to review by Recreation Services.

Recreation Services recognizes we are a popular location for academic projects that require students to take photos, video, and audio of activity. Please follow the guidelines below to ensure any negative impact to our patrons is avoided.

  • You must obtain prior written permission from professional staff by visiting our main office (RC201) during regular business hours.
  • All shooting of photography/videography must be conducted in a safe manner.
  • All shooting of photography/videography must be contained to only the areas agreed upon.
  • Pictures are not permitted to be taken in the pool areas, locker rooms, and/or rest rooms. The Student Recreation and Wellness Center’s Fitness Center and Ball Gym Fitness Room may be used before 2 p.m. daily.
  • You must receive permission from all subjects included in the picture.
  • All precautions must be taken to ensure the prevention of any potential damage to the facility; i.e. a tripod must possess end caps.
  • Any damage incurred during the shooting of photography/videography will be assessed to the individual(s).
  • All shooting of photography/videography must not interfere with normal operation.
  • You must not in any way cause any disruption of activity.