PRT Cycle: Prepare, Pre-Observation Dialogue, Observe, Post-Observation DialogueThe peer review of teaching (PRT) program is intended to offer individual faculty feedback related to course delivery and instructor presence. Participants work together, with fellow faculty (not admin or staff), to set goals and interpret student feedback with regard to instructional strategies.

Participants are grouped into threes creating a triad. Each triad member serves as both reviewer and reviewee. While wearing their “reviewer hat” participants provide feedback concerning observed and specific behaviors and provide specific and meaningful recommendations for growth. While wearing their “reviewee hat” participants benefit from the feedback of trusted peers.

The peer review of teaching (PRT) program is a semester-long commitment, during which, participants take part in a total of two peer review cycles. Each participant is reviewed twice, each by a different member of their triad.

Interested in participating in the next round of the peer review of teaching (PRT) program? Sign up for the Fall 2024 cohort. Do you have questions about the peer review of teaching program? Contact Kathy Jacobi.

What Faculty Are Saying about Peer Reviews