About Us

The Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support (OIRDS), a division under the Chief Strategy Officer, provides data and analysis to support Ball State University's decision-making process, coordinates reporting to various federal, state, and external agencies, and maintains the accuracy of University statistics in several reports, including the annual Factbook.

Our Mission

"We work to advance the Ball State University mission by facilitating the collection, analysis, and interpretation of institutional data and also provide information and analyses to support planning, decision-making, and student success. Our office also directs data governance and survey management policies and procedures to promote the integrity of University data and information."

University Data and Data Governance

We provide official University data and information on a variety of topics including enrollment, graduation and retention rates, and more.

Student Consumer Disclosures

Colleges and universities are required by federal law to provide certain information to the public. We've identified these disclosures to assist applicants, students, their families, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions.

Certificate iconAccreditation Information

Our office works to support the University's accreditation process by providing data and analysis on key metrics.

Contact Us

Office of Institutional Research and Decision Support

West Quad (WQ), Room 200
Muncie, IN 47306

8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Summer Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.



blog icon Read the latest OIRDS content on our blog, Data Insider.