Online Forms
Online forms are an easy, great way to gather information quickly via the website, social media, or elsewhere. The University offers multiple solutions for online forms, each serving a unique purpose.
Formstack (external forms)
Formstack forms are used to gather information from external audiences. Examples include award nominations and non-academic program registrations. These forms are hosted at “"
Request a Formstack Form
BSU Apps (internal forms)
Forms are sometimes needed for internal audiences including faculty, staff, or students. Created by IT, these forms automatically pull the Ball State ID, email, and name of those who fill the form out, making them useful for a variety of internal processes. BSU Apps forms are hosted at “"
Request a BSU Apps Form
Slate CRM
Slate is Ball State’s recruiting database for undergraduate and graduate applicants. Managed by the Division for Enrollment Planning and Management and, Slate contains forms for prospective students to request information, register for events, and apply for admission. These forms are hosted at ""
Request data reports from Slate
Business Affairs manages a payment system using CashNet. If your form involves a monetary transaction, CashNet may be the best solution.
To learn more and request a CashNet form,
contact the Office of Bursar & Loan Administration.