Pregnant and Parenting Students

Pregnant and parenting students balance their education while prioritizing the care of their children or other dependents. If you need help with understanding university policies, obtaining pregnancy accommodations, finding campus resources, and locating off campus services we are here to assist. You can complete a pregnant and parenting student assistance form to connect with a supportive staff member.

Pregnant and Parenting Student Assistance Form

Title IX

Ball State does not discriminate against students on the basis of pregnancy or related conditions. If you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant, please complete the pregnant and parenting student assistance form to connect with a Title IX Office staff member. An appointment with a Title IX Office staff member will cover pregnancy accommodations under the University’s Title IX Policy and available campus and community resources, including lactation rooms and expectant mother parking permits. Absences due to medical conditions relating to pregnancy will be excused for as long as a student’s doctor deems medically necessary, and the student will receive the opportunity to make up missed work.

Student Health Center 

Students are able to seek ambulatory health care at the Student Health Center. We recommend students call 765-285-8431 to schedule an appointment. 

Counseling Center 

The Counseling Center continues to provide clinical and outreach services online through the remainder of the academic year. The Counseling Center can be reached at 765-285-1736.

Office of Disability Services

Students with disabilities at Ball State have access to tools and resources that will enable them to manage day-to-day life in college. Along with accommodations tailored to your own needs a student, the Office of Disability Services provides additional resources to help you get involved on campus and succeed academically. 

Cardinal Central

Cardinal Central is a one-stop location for business processes, resources, and information for students and their families. Cardinal Central is located in the L.A. Pittenger Student Center, across from the Starbucks and Tally Food Court.  They can be reached at 765-285-2222.

University Apartments

University Apartments accommodate upper-level single students and students with families.  You can call University Apartments at 765-285-5095.

Basic Needs Hub

The Basic Needs Hub is a virtual center for resources available to students experiencing basic needs insecurity.

For student parents at Ball State we have compiled family and child based resources available in the community.  The Indiana Family and Social Services Benefits Portal also provides resources for expecting and new parents through My Healthy Baby.

National Maternal Mental Health Hotline

1-833-TLC-MAMA (1-833-852-6262)

The National Maternal Mental Health Hotline provides 24/7, free, confidential support before, during, and after pregnancy. The Hotline offers callers:

  • Phone or text access to professional counselors
  • Real-time support and information
  • Response within a few minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Resources
  • Referrals to local and telehealth providers and support groups
  • Culturally sensitive support
  • Counselors who speak English and Spanish
  • Interpreter services in 60 languages


Through Second Harvest Food Bank and their membership with the National Diaper Bank Network they list partners that distribute diapers and wipes in Delaware County.  To find a distribution partner visit:


Indiana Diaper Bank provides diapers to local pantries that serve families in immediate needs of diapers.  To find a pantry with diaper availability near you visit:


Safe Kids Delaware County is led by IU Health Ball Memorial Hospital and Physicians, which provides dedicated and caring support and other resources to assist in achieving our common goal:  keeping kids safe.  This coalition implements evidence-based programs, such as car-seat checkups, safety workshops and sports clinics, that help parents and caregivers prevent childhood injuries.  You can find more information on Safe Kids at

Brighter Futures INDIANA

Brighter Futures Indiana offers information to empower families in their search for the highest-quality learning experiences for their children. This site also supports the unique and critical responsibilities of programs and providers, as well as, serving up important information for engaged community partners.

Head Start

Head Start is a federal program for children under 5 in low-income families to help boost cognitive, social, and emotional development, as well as help support positive parent and child interactions. You can find more information about Head Start locations in Delaware county at More about Head Start can be found at

On My Way Pre-K

This program awards grants to low-income families that have a 4-year-old so they can attend a pre-K program before kindergarten.

Eligibility: Child must be 4 but not yet 5 by August 1st; Child must be a resident of Indiana; Parents or guardians in the household must be working, going to school, attending job training or looking for a job; This program helps people with income at or below 127% of federal poverty guidelines.

Child Care Development Fund (CCDF)

The CCDF is a federal program that helps low-income families obtain child care so that they may work, attend training or continue their education. The purpose of the CCDF is to increase the availability, affordability, and quality of child care.

Eligibility for CCDF is based on the total gross monthly income of their household. Gross monthly income is total income before taxes or any deductions. To be eligible, a family’s income must be at or below 127% of the federal poverty level. One on the CCDF program, a family’s gross income cannot exceed 85% of the state median income to remain eligible.

United Day Care Center

312 S Vine Street, Muncie IN 47305; 765-285-1742;

United Day Care Center provides quality, holistic, affordable licensed child care and early childhood education without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or handicap. Center based child care is available to families of all income levels with low-income families as the target population. They can also help you apply for CCDF (they also accept CCDF), and there is a sliding fee scale for families who are eligible.

WIC, TANF, SNAP, and Medicaid

WIC (Woman, Infants, and Children) is nutritional program that helps pregnant women, new mothers, infants and children eat well and stay healthy. Families already receiving Medicaid, SNAP, or TANF are income eligible for the WIC program. The Delaware County WIC Clinic is located at Open Door Health Services (333 S. Madison St., Muncie, IN 47305; 765-289-6180). More about Indiana WIC here:

TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) is a program that provides cash assistance and supportive services to assist families with children under 18, helping them achieve self-sufficiency. Families must meet certain requirements. More about TANF here:

SNAP (Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program) provides nutrition benefits to supplement the food budget of needy families so they can purchase healthy food and move toward self-sufficiency. More information and resources about SNAP can be found on the Basic Needs Hub > Food Security > State and Federal Resources.

Medicaid provides health coverage to millions of Americans, including eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults, and people with disabilities. This is state run program with federal requirements. Learn more about different Indiana Medicaid programs and how to apply here:

This is the FSSA Benefits Portal, where you can apply for SNAP, cash assistance, health coverage, check the status about your case, or see if you might qualify:

You can also visit Delaware County of Division of Family Resources: 1107 South Tillotson, Suite 2 Muncie IN 47304; 800-403-0864;

Open Door Health Services

333 S. Madison St., Muncie, IN 47305; 765-213-2769;

Open Door Heath Services in a Federally Qualified Health Center which provides medical, dental, behavioral health, family planning, and assistance programs. Medical care includes adult health care, pediatric care, women’s health, prenatal services, urgent care, and chiropractic care. They care for individuals and families regardless of health insurance status, and they offer a sliding fee scale.

Family Resource Center – Delaware County

765-729-5845; 905 S Walnut St, Muncie, IN 47302; Hours vary

This resource serves to support for families with workshops and programming, computer and Wi-Fi access, support groups, family and child events, serves a guide for navigating other community resources, and more. Suzy’s Store is a small pantry that’s also available to families, as well as limited availability of hygiene, baby, child safety, and household items at no cost.

Muncie Mission Family Services

1725 S. Liberty Street, Muncie, IN 47302; 765-288-9122

Family Services extends a helping hand to families in both Delaware and Blackford Counties. Donations of clothing, furniture, and food allow us to provide these items free to those who cannot afford them, and we can also give limited assistance with current financial needs.

Eligibility: Come see us 1725 S. Liberty Street on Tuesday or Thursday at 8:30 am. We are able to take a maximum of 15 households, and the final one will be seen at 10:30. Each applicant for financial assistance must have a current application with his or her local Trustees Office before applying with Muncie Mission. The Center Township (Muncie) Trustees Office is located at 1200 E. Main Street. Their phone number is (765) 288-8876. In order to receive assistance, we ask the families to provide: (1) Photo ID for ALL adults (19+) (2) ID for children up to 18 years old living in the household (birth certificate) (3) Proof of residence (copy of lease or a utility bill) (4) Proof of income, if there is any.

Muncie Housing Authority

409 East 1st Street, Muncie, IN 47302; 765-288-9242; Monday- Thursday 7:30am-5:30pm

The Muncie Housing Authority oversees Housing Choice Voucher Program (Section 8 housing) and Public Housing which assist low-income, the elderly, and persons with disabilities with safe and affordable housing. Applications for these may or may not be open at this time, and tend to be picked based on a lottery system. See website for more details.

Project Stepping Stone

900 W. White River Blvd. Muncie IN 47303 (this is Holy Trinity Lutheran Church); 765-233-6010

PSS is a volunteer-run program that provides temporary housing to families in need. There are no set hours as it is all volunteer, but you can contact them from their website or call or text their number and someone will get back to you. All applications must be delivered in person to HTLC.

Christian Ministries

401 E. Main Street, Muncie, IN 47305; 765-288-0601

Christian Ministries provides various programs and services, such as temporary family shelters and single men shelter, a food pantry, a thrift store, emergency assistance, bedding and baby items, school supplies and Christmas assistance. See website for hours of shelter, food pantry, and thrift store, and for more information on necessary materials for emergency assistance.

A Better Way


A Better Way provides a shelter and services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, a walk-in Rape Crisis Center, advocacy, individual trauma-informed counseling, support groups, transitional housing, a 24-hour crisis line for persons in any type of crisis, education and referrals, a suicide hotline, bullying and teen dating violence/domestic violence prevention programs, a check-in call services for elderly or disabled homebound persons, and more.


310 E. Charles St., Muncie IN 47305; 765-284-3345; M-F 8am-5pm

YWCA offers a few types of shelters to women and children in need, as well as housing support and shelter. They also have education programming such as financial literacy, housing, tobacco awareness/cessation, diabetes education, and professional development, including resume building and interview skills. They also work on a larger scale to promote racial justice and civil rights.

First Choice for Women

3020 N Oakwood Ave, Muncie, IN 47304; 765-286-6085; M/W/F 12pm-5pm. T/Th 12pm-7pm

First Choice for Women provides pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, pregnancy options counseling, parenting classes, material assistance, post-abortive recovery, creating positive relationships curriculum, and a bible study. Their 24-hour care line is 765-286-6060.

Packages of Hope for NICU Families

These care packages are for families who currently have a preemie in NICU or heading home from NICU. You can see requirements and submit a request at the website above.

More resources in Delaware county may be found at:

Heartland Scholar House

The mission of Scholar House is to end the cycle of poverty and transform our community by empowering families and youth to succeed in education and achieve life-long self-sufficiency. Each year, we serve residential and nonresidential single moms and their children with a comprehensive, holistic continuum of care that meets them where they are and empowers them toward their educational, career and family goals.