Ball State University (the “University”) values the constitutional rights to engage in free speech and to assemble for peaceful purposes. The University must also preserve its Campus and Facilities for their teaching, learning, research, and administrative purposes while providing a safe Campus environment and preserving the Campus aesthetic.
The University’s Campus and Facilities are dedicated to the fulfillment of the University’s educational mission and are provided for the purpose of fostering and accommodating that mission. The University may from time to time permit certain portions of its Campus or Facilities to be used by certain persons for Commercial Activity subject to specific regulations or limitations.
This policy governs all Commercial Activity on the University’s Campus and in its Facilities except that it does not apply to (1) activities of the University itself, (2) activities of the University’s employees or agents acting within the scope of their approved agency, or (3) activities of persons acting under a contract, lease, or license with the University.
Policy Overview Full policy
Please direct questions about this policy to:
Julie Hopwood
Associate Vice President for Business and Auxiliary Services
Phone: 765-285-1104