Bailey Ellis
Bailey Ellis
Senior Transfer Center Coordinator of Admissions and Orientation


Room:LU 148

About Bailey

Why do you enjoy working with transfer students?
I love working with transfer students because students come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, which can make their stories and perspectives incredibly fascinating and meaningful to work with. I also enjoy watching students find their greatest passions on each one of their higher education journeys!

Why do you love Ball State?
As a Muncie local, Ball State has such a special place in my heart. I love the university for the opportunities and experiences it has given me. BSU has such a welcoming and inclusive campus environment promoting a sense of community and support and I have always felt connected and valued as a student and employee.

What excites you the most about the work the Transfer Center is doing?
We are connecting with students in ways we never have before! I am excited to work with our team as we explore new projects and experiences for our transfer students. It has been so fun being able to brainstorm various resources like utilizing social media platforms, constructing advisory boards, focusing on new student programming, etc. I look forward to the continuous knowledge we will gain as we explore various opportunities for our transfer students! 

Contact Bailey

Connect with Bailey to schedule a virtual appointment.

You can view the territories Bailey visits listed under the Southern Indiana tab.