Kendra Lowery
Kendra Lowery
Associate Dean for Engagement and Professor of Educational Leadership
Curriculum Vitae


Room:TC 1011

About Kendra Lowery

Dr. Kendra Lowery spent 17 years in P-12 schools as a teacher and administrator before joining Ball State in 2016. Her research focuses on educational leadership practices to promote social justice with particular attention to: diversity and inclusion in organizational decision-making; cross-racial dialogues; experiences within de/segregated schools; and arts-based research. Dr. Lowery is also an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership who teaches in the doctoral (EdD) program.

As the Associate Dean for Equity and Engagement, Dr. Lowery facilitates engagement and partnerships with students, families, community organizations, and P-12 schools that promote access, equity, and excellence for students across P-20 systems. To achieve these goals, she oversees Ball State’s two University Schools: Burris Laboratory School and the Indiana Academy, Professional Development Liaisons through the Office of Teacher Education Services and Clinical Practice, the Office of Charter Schools, and partnerships with area schools. In 2021, she began oversight of the newly created Michelle A. and James T. Ryan Family Scholars and Ryan Family Navigators Program which provides full-ride scholarships, wraparound supports, connections to university resources, and college-to-career workshops for outstanding future educators from underrepresented, first-generation, and/or economically challenging backgrounds.

Dr. Lowery has been awarded over $3 million in external funding to support program re-design, cross-racial dialogue, student learning, and COVID-19-related learning recovery.


Ph.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, 2013

University of Wisconsin - Madison

M.S. in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis, 2011

University of Wisconsin - Madison

M.A. in Women's Studies, 2002

The Ohio State University

B.S. in Education, Political Science, Teaching Certification, 1994

University of Wisconsin - Madison

B.A. in Afro-American Studies, College of Letters & Science, 1994

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Recent Research and Publications

Lowery, K. (2021). Beyond representation: African American administrators’ experiences as reflections of workforce diversity perspectives. Leadership and Policy in Schools, 20(2), 312-331.

Lackey, D., & Lowery, K. (2020). Where are the African American males?: Enrollment criteria and the placement of African American males in Advanced Placement courses. Urban Education.

Geesa, R. L., Mayes, R. D., Lowery, K., Boyland, L., Quick, M., Kim, J., Elam, N. P., & McDonald, K. (2020). Increasing partnerships in educational leadership and school counseling: A framework for collaborative school principal and school counselor preparation and support. International Journal of Leadership in Education.

Fraser-Burgess, S. A., Warren-Gordon, K., Humphrey, Jr., D. L., & Lowery, K. (2020). Scholars of color turn to womanism: Countering dehumanization in the academy. Educational Philosophy and Theory, (53)5, 505-522.

Lowery, K., & Hampton, S. J. (2019). Surviving shunning at Central High School: Lessons from Sybil Jordan Hampton for social justice leaders. Journal of School Leadership. doi:10.1177/1052684619884770

Lowery, K. (2019). “What are you willing to do?”: The development of courage in social justice leaders. International Journal of Leadership in Education. doi:10.1080/13603124.2019.1690698