University Libraries Equipment Checkout

Need a special piece of digital or electronic equipment for a project? Current Ball State students can borrow equipment such as laptops and tablets, cameras, adapters and chargers, and other accessories from University Libraries.

Borrowing Guidelines

  • Current Ball State students, faculty, and staff are eligible to borrow equipment from the collection for academic purposes.
  • Equipment may be borrowed for 4 days and may not be renewed.
  • Limit one type of item per check-out for each user. For example: Each person may borrow one laptop, one projector, one video camera etc. in one check-out transaction.
  • Overdue charges are $0.25 per hour up to $24. Charges apply to each item with a barcode. Some items have several barcodes.
  • Equipment is assumed to be lost and replacement costs will be billed if equipment is not returned within 7 days of the day after the due date.
  • Borrower assumes responsibility for damages to equipment checked out with his/her/their Ball State ID.

Several types of cables and adapters are available, as well as chargers for phones and laptops. Ask at the Education, Music and Media counter for the adapter or charger you need.

Please contact the University Libraries Education, Music and Media staff at 765-285-5340 with questions.

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