Maria Sciuchetti
Maria Sciuchetti
Associate Professor of Special Education
Curriculum Vitae


Room:TC 701

About Maria Sciuchetti

 Dr. Sciuchetti is Assistant Professor of Special Education. Her research focuses on students with or at-risk for emotional/behavioral disorders from diverse backgrounds and preservice teacher preparation to meet the needs of this diverse student population. She explores the intersectionality of diversity, disability, and behavior and the implications of these intersections for school-based behavior policies and practices and teacher preparation. Presently, her research efforts are focused on examining school-based factors that perpetuate the disproportionate involvement of youth with disabilities from diverse backgrounds in the school-to-prison pipeline, alternative school-based behavior policies and practices, and implications for preservice teacher training. Dr. Sciuchetti has presented at state and national conferences and published in scholarly journals.

Professional Experience

 Prior to arriving at Ball State, Dr. Sciuchetti taught in full inclusion settings serving students with and without disabilities and in a self-contained multi-age classroom serving students with autism and/or emotional and behavioral disorders. In addition to classroom teaching, she served as a member of a district-wide Response to Intervention team charged with designing and implementing the district's RTI framework, standardized testing coordinator, and parent liaison. While at the University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Sciuchetti supervised pre-service teacher candidates in field-based settings including early childhood special education, general education, life-skills, and traditional resource classrooms and trained field-based supervisors. Dr. Sciuchetti has consulted for a non-profit disability advocacy group and families of individuals with disabilities. She has provided professional development for attorneys, parents, and other stakeholders. She holds current teaching licenses in general and special education.


Ph.D. University of Texas Special Education, Learning Disabilities and Behavior Disorders

ME.D. Rhode Island College Special Education, Mild/Moderate Disabilities

M.A.T Roger Williams University Elementary Education

Research and Publications

 Sciuchetti, M. B. (in press) Addressing inequity in special education: An integrated framework for culturally responsive social emotional practice. Psychology in the Schools, 50(10).

Pufpaff, L., Sciuchetti, M. B., & Taylor, L. (2017). Dispositions by committee for educator preparation programs. The Teacher Educator, 52, 268-283.

Robertson, P., McFarland, L. A., Sciuchetti, M. B., & Garcia, S. B. (2017). Connecting the Dots: An exploration of how pre-service special education teachers make sense of disability and diversity. Teaching and Teacher Education, 65, 34-47.

Sciuchetti, M. B., McKenna, J., Flower, A. (2016). Teacher knowledge and selection of evidence-based practices: A survey study. Journal of Vincentian Social Action, 1(2), 20-31

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Doctoral Exam Prepar 700 MS 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Intro to Emo and Beh 632 800 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Intro: Mild Interven 686 800 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE