About Andy Markelz
Andrew M. Markelz is associate professor and assistant chair in the Department of Special Education. He is also the coordinator of the special education director license program at Ball State University. Dr. Markelz is founder and editor of the
Journal of Special Education Preparation and co-author of
The Essentials of Special Education Law and
The Essentials of Special Education Advocacy. The focus of his research is on expediting the novice-to-expert teaching curve in proactive classroom management strategies (e.g., behavior specific praise) and issues related to special education law and advocacy.
PH.D., Special Education, 2018
The Pennsylvania State University
M.A., Special Education, 2010
Arcadia University
B.A., Political Science and International Relations, 2003
Virginia Tech University
Recent Research and Publications
Markelz, A. M., Riden, B. S., & Maheady, L. (2021). Identifying, implementing, and evaluating high-leverage practices in teacher education. Journal of Special Education Preparation, 1(1), 4-15. https://doi.org/10.33043/JOSEP.1.1.4-15
Markelz, A. M., Riden, B. S., Floress, Balint-Langel, K.B, M., Heath, J. A., & Pavelka, S. (2021). Teachers’ use of specific, contingent, and varied praise. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions. https://doi.org/10.1177/1098300720988250
Scheeler, M.C., Markelz, A. M., Taylor, J. C., & Wolfe, P. (2021). Teacher workplace bullying: How pervasive is the problem? Teacher Education and Special Education. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F08884064211015698
Riden, B. S., Markelz, A. M., Taylor, J. C. (2021). Using, evaluating, and intensifying daily behavior report cards for students with behavioral challenges. Intervention in School and Clinic. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053451221994823
Markelz, A. M., Riden, B. S., & Hooks, S. D. (2021). Component analysis of training and goal setting, self-monitoring, and tactile prompting on early childhood educators’ behavior specific praise. Journal of Early Intervention, 43(2), 99-116. https://doi.org/10.1177/1053815120927091