Amanda Moreno
Amanda Moreno
Assistant Professor of Music Education (Choral)


Room:MU 201

Amanda (Mandy) Moreno has been a music educator for over 20 years. Prior to her appointment at Ball State, she served as a teacher and choral director in Oregon, California, Washington, North Dakota, and Germany. In addition to classroom teaching, Dr. Moreno has maintained a private voice and piano studio, worked with church and community choirs, adjudicated for local and state festivals, and music directed for musical theatre productions at all age levels.

Dr. Moreno holds a BA in Music Education from California Baptist University and a Master of Arts in Teaching from George Fox University. She also holds a PhD in Music Education from the University of North Dakota, where she completed the first fully quantitative research study on the use of Body Mapping instruction for singers. Dr. Moreno is a licensure trainee with the Association for Body Mapping Education (ABME). She is also a member of NAfME, CMS, NATS, and ACDA.
Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Elective Student Tea 465 007 0000 - 0000
Voice Techniques 258 1 0800 - 0850 M W MU, room 401
Choral Music Methods 376 1 0930 - 1045 T R MU, room 401
Student Teaching in 470 2 0000 - 0000
Elective Study 620 801 0000 - 0000