Anna Farello
Anna Farello
Assistant Professor of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Curriculum Vitae


Room:HP 336

Dr. Anna Farello is an Assistant Professor of Sprot and Exercise Psychology in the School of Kinesiology.  She earned her PhD at Loughborough University London in Sport for Development and Peace (SDP), and continues to focus most of her research on this discipline.  Specifically, Dr. Farello studies the role of sport in striving towards wider social outcomes such as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.  A couple of her recent studies include examining how sport can help prevent youth crime and violence in London, UI; the role of cultural context at the nexus of sport,, mental health, and forced displacement; and the psycho-social impact of equipment provision on youth sport program stakeholders in underserved areas.

Dr. Farello has been fortunate to collaborate with international entities including the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime, the International Olympic Committee, as well as national entities such as Playworks, Inc. and Good Sports. She currently serves as a Think Tank member for the Olylmpic Refuge Foundation and as an advisory board member for Ball State's Center for Peace and Conflict studies.

In her free time, Dr. Farello enjoys training for and racing long distances, supporting women's sports, and exploring the outdoors.


Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Professional Issues 400 1 1100 - 1215 T R HP, room 251
Psychological Social 409 1 0000 - 0000 OL, room ONLINE
Psychological Social 409 1 0930 - 1045 R HP, room 251