Rudi Marciniak
Rudi Marciniak
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science


Room:HP 308

Dr. Rudi Marciniak's research agenda supports the advancement of knowledge related to preparation and recovery of human performance with an emphasis on cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health and injury prevention. More specifically, Dr. Marciniak's agenda seeks to inform training and recovery practices of occupational athletes through the utilization of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal performance measures.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Found Physiology and 293 1 0930 - 1045 T R RB, room 125
Advanced Exercise Ph 493 1 1230 - 1345 T R HP, room 252
Advanced Exercise Ph 493 2 1400 - 1515 T R HP, room 252
Thesis 698 32 0000 - 0000