Course Planning and Registration
Below are resources to assist you in planning and registering for graduate courses at Ball State. You'll also find resources related to transcripts, transferring credits to another university, and applying to graduate.
Develop a Degree Plan
See the basic steps you'll need to take to complete your program based on the type of degree you're earning: master's, certificate, doctoral, or specialist.
Develop Your Degree Plan
Find Your Advisor
Your program-specific advisor can assist with selecting courses and making decisions about your academic journey.
See Who Your Advisor Is
Graduate Course Catalog
Read the master list of all graduate student policies and individual course descriptions in our graduate course catalog.
View the Catalog
Graduation Application
Graduation from Ball State is not automatic. You'll need to apply to graduate for each degree you plan to earn.
Apply to Graduate
Register for Courses
Learn how to sign up for your classes through the Office of the Registrar.
Learn the Registration Process
Request Transcripts
See the process to order your transcripts and have them delivered electronically, by mail, or in person.
Order Transcripts
Transferring Credit
Find the forms and other information you'll need to transfer credit from Ball State to another university or institution.
See the Transfer Process
Withdrawing from the Graduate School
You must maintain a 3.0 graduate GPA to remain in your graduate program at Ball State, so sometimes a withdrawal from classes is a necessary step in getting back on track.
Learn the Steps to Withdraw