The tuition for Dual Credit Program courses varies depending on which classes you take. Some assistance is available for students on free or reduced-price lunches.

As a student in a dual-credit course, you’ll have additional expenses beyond any fees for your general courses at your high school. If you need help paying for these courses, there are a few financial aid options available.

  • priority courses on site – $25 per credit hour
  • all other onsite courses – $250 total
  • all online courses – $350 + textbook costs

What are Priority Indiana Courses?

The on-site courses listed below are offered at some Indiana high schools and are considered "priority" courses by the state of Indiana. These classes, when offered at a high school, are capped by the state at $25 per credit.

  • ENG 103 English Composition: Rhetoric and Writing (3 credits)
  • ENG 104 English Composition: Composing Research (3 credits)
  • COMM 210 Fundamentals of Public Communication (3 credits)
  • CH 101 Beginning Chinese 1 (4 credits)*
  • CH 102 Beginning Chinese 2 (4 credits)*
  • CH 201 Intermediate Chinese 1 (4 credits)*
  • CH 202 Intermediate Chinese 2 (4 credits)*
  • FR 101 Beginning French 1 (4 credits)
  • FR 102 Beginning French 2 (4 credits)
  • FR 201 Intermediate French 3 (3 credits)
  • FR 202 Intermediate French 4 (3 credits)
  • GER 101 Beginning German 1 (4 credits)
  • GER 102 Beginning German 2 (4 credits)
  • GER 201 Intermediate German 3 (3 credits)
  • GER 202 Intermediate German 4 (3 credits)
  • JAPA 101 Beginning Japanese 1 (4 credits)*
  • JAPA 102 Beginning Japanese 2 (4 credits)*
  • JAPA 201 Intermediate Japanese 1 (4 credits)*
  • JAPA 202 Intermediate Japanese 2 (4 credits)*
  • SP 101 Beginning Spanish 1 (4 credits)
  • SP 102 Beginning Spanish 2 (4 credits)
  • SP 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 (3 credits)
  • SP 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 (3 credits)

*Chinese and Japanese are not part of the Core Transfer Library list of courses that will transfer among all Indiana public colleges and universities.

  • MATH 111 Pre-Calculus Algebra (3 credits)
  • MATH 112 Pre-calculus Trigonometry (3 credits)
  • MATH 125 Quantitative Reasoning (3 credits)
  • MATH 132 Brief Calculus 1 (3 credits)
  • MATH 165 Calculus 1 (4 credits)
  • MATH 166 Calculus 2 (4 credits)
  • PHYC 100 General Physics 1 (3 credits)
  • ANAT 201 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy (3 credits)
  • BIO 100 Biology for a Modern Society (3 credits)
  • GCM 180 Graphics: Introduction to Print Process (3 credits)
  • GCM 184 Graphics: Computer Application (3 credits)
  • GCM 286 Graphics: Digital Photography (3 credits)
  • HIST 201 American History 1, 1492-1876 (3 credits)  
  • HIST 202 American History 2, 1877- to the present (3 credits)
  • KINE 240 Athletic Safety and Injury Prevention (3 credits)
  • NUR 101 Terminology for  Health Care Professionals and Consumers (2 credits)
  • PHYS 215 Human Physiology (5 credits)
  • PSYS 100 Introduction to Psychological Science (3 credits) 

Financial Assistance

For Students Who Qualify for Free or Reduced-price Lunches

Tuition for all dual-credit courses are waived for students who receive free or reduced-price lunches. To qualify for this waiver, ask your high school guidance counselor to email documentation to us.

Reimbursements from a Parent’s Workplace

As an employee benefit, some companies and organizations provide reimbursements to employees if they or a family member successfully complete college courses. Ask your parents to check with their employers. You may find they provide some reimbursement of your dual credit tuition.

How to Pay for Courses


If you have any questions about payments, contact us.

A paper bill will be mailed to your home address. Parents may send checks or use an online payment system known as eBill. Parents should use the "Guest Payer" option to make online payments. They will need to know your Ball State ID number to do this. It is included on your paper bill.

Pay a Bill

Your tuition payment is due on the first day of the month after you receive your bill. You may opt to pay your bill in partial payments over a series of two to four months.


If you need to drop or withdraw from a course, you may be eligible for a refund.

We're Here to Help!

Do you have questions about Dual Credit Programs? We’re here to help! Contact us at or 765-285-1581.