Promotion and Tenure

Non-Tenure Line Promotion

Unit Resources


Tenure-line faculty must have a weekly on-campus presence during the AY regardless of the modality of their teaching assignment. The on-campus presence of faculty is crucial to the retention and successful matriculation of undergraduate and graduate students. Faculty should also be available as needed to meet daily during business hours with department chairs, colleagues, and staff to (for example) manage programs, construct and revise curriculum, conduct research, assist with recruiting and advising students and manage grants, as applicable. Faculty should also be accessible to students outside of class in regularly scheduled on-campus office hours each week during the AY.  Some of those hours may be virtual, but some will be in-person. A weekly minimum of one hour availability to confer with students per 3 hours of faculty teaching load is recommended. Faculty should be available to attend on-campus department, college, and university meetings in-person during the AY.  A faculty member who is unable to attend an on-campus meeting (e.g., they are attending a conference) shall notify their department chair.  

Full-time non-tenure-line faculty who teach on-campus courses must have a weekly on-campus presence. The on-campus presence of non-tenure-line faculty is considered crucial to the retention and successful matriculation of students. Non-tenure-line faculty who teach in an on-campus modality also should be available as needed to meet daily during business hours with department chairs, colleagues, and staff and shall also be accessible to students outside of class in regularly scheduled on-campus office hours during the AY. Some of those hours may be virtual, but some will be in-person. A weekly minimum of one hour availability to confer with students per 3 hours of faculty teaching load is recommended. Non-tenure-line faculty who teach solely online shall have regularly scheduled online office hours each week during the AY.