Jeff Zhang
Jeff Zhang
Teaching Professor of Computer Science
Curriculum Vitae


Room:RB 477

Dr. Jeff Zhang is a Teaching Professor in the department of computer science. He earned his Master’s Degree in Physical Education in 1995, a Master’s Degree in Computer Science in 1998 and his Doctorate Degree in Higher Education with a cognate in Computer Science in 2002, all from Ball State University. He was a computer programmer at two different companies in Indianapolis before joining the Ball State Computer Science department. His field(s) of Professional Specialization are Computer Science Education, Web Service, Embedded Programming, International Education, E-Learning, E-Government, E-Adoption, and Web Programming.


  • Ed.D., Adult, Higher & Community Education, Cognate: Computer Science, Ball State University, 2002
  • M.S., Computer Science, Ball State University, 1998

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Des and Analy of Alg 224 1 0930 - 1045 T R RB, room 104
Des and Analy of Alg 224 2 1230 - 1345 T R RB, room 122