Zachary Craw
Zachary Craw
Associate Teaching Professor of Art


Room:AJ 257

Zachary is an animator with a specialization in 3D character modeling. Influences include surrealist filmmakers, animators, and artists such as David Lynch, Jan Švankmajer, The Brothers Quay and William Kentridge. Zachary’s work explores ways of incorporating surreal imagery, traditional art principles and mediums, along with digital media and animation in order to challenge the perception of 3D animation in the realm of fine arts.

Course Schedule
Course No. Section Times Days Location
Animation: Modeling 311 5 1000 - 1150 M W F AJ, room 246
Animation: Specialty 313 2 1200 - 1350 M W F AJ, room 246
Animation: Exp Techn 314 1 1530 - 1815 T R BC, room 137
Animation: Senior Pr 490 1 0800 - 0950 M W F AJ, room 254