Miller College Subscriptions

The Miller College of Business provides a number of subscriptions to students, staff, and faculty to aid you in your research.

Audit Analytics

Detailed research on more than 150,000 active audits and more than 10,000 accounting firms. To access, visit Audit Analytics’ website and register using your Ball State account.

Bloomberg Professional

Real-time data, news, and analytics for informed business decisions.

IHS Global Insight

Financial data on major privately held companies. To access, visit IHS Global Insight’s website and register using your Ball State account.

Mintel Reports

In-depth market analysis and consumer trends for the United States and the United Kingdom. To access, visit Mintel Reports’ website. (If off campus, you will be prompted to enter your Ball State account).

Nielsen Data

Market research, insights, and data about what people watch, listen to, and buy (marketing and consumer behavior). To access, visit Nielsen’s website and register using your Ball State account.

Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

Business intelligence, data analytics, and financial research platform with access to more than 350 terabytes of data across multiple disciplines including accounting, banking, economics, ESG, finance, healthcare, insurance, marketing, and statistics.

Note: The Miller College of Business subscription to WRDS includes access to CRSP, Eventus, IBES, and Research Insight North America.

To access WRDS, create an account using your Ball State email address, then look for an email from WRDS.

Ball State University Libraries identified more than 80 business-focused databases that are available to all Ball State students, staff, and faculty researchers. We’ve highlighted a few key resources below.

Business Source Complete - Offers scholarly articles from all business disciplines, company profiles, and market research reports.

Directory of Open Access Journals - Browse high-quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals.

Dissertations and Theses - Includes some theses and dissertations from Ball State University. For a more complete collection from the university, search Cardinal Scholar.

JSTOR Full text available for complete runs of hundreds of journals related to business, economics, management, and marketing.

National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) - Working papers produced by the national research office.

Networked Digital Library and Dissertations (NDLTD) - An international, full-text searchable collection of theses and dissertations, including those from Ball State University.

Web of Science - Indexes core journals for all disciplines, including business. Journal Citations Reports feature includes the impact factor and other useful metrics.

American FactFinder - The US Census Bureau's portal to economic, demographic, and geographic information.

Cabell's Directories - Find information about publishing in a given journal; view calls for papers and institutional publications.

County Business Patterns - Economic data by industry; useful for studying the economic activity of small areas, for analyzing economic changes over time, and as a benchmark for other statistical series, surveys, and databases between economic censuses.

DataZoa - A data delivery resource offering 200 million data sets from public sites including the US Bureau of the Census and the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Fed in Print - A database of Federal Reserve System economic research.

Nexis Uni - Create exportable company lists and access company dossiers along with LexisNexis legal and news resources.

Standard & Poor’s Net Advantage - Provides stock analysis, company information, and industry surveys.

To access the complete business database collection, visit the University Libraries Database Listing and select ‘Business’ from the subject dropdown menu.