The Biomechanics is home to two lab rooms totaling approximately 1,500 square feet. This includes lab space, offices, and student workstations.

Since 2005, we have outfitted our facility with some of the best equipment and resources in the industry, along with establishing working collaborations with outside physicians, clinicians, and other departments on campus to use their expertise to provide students, patients, and research participants with a well-rounded experience.


Main Research and Service Lab Equipment

  • (12) Camera Vicon FX Motion Capture System
  • (3) AMTI Forceplates and AccuSway Portable Forceplate
  • (16) Channel Delsys wired EMG
  • (16) Channel Wireless EMG and Triaxial Accelerometer
  • Velotron Cycle Ergometer
  • ParvoMedics Metabolic Cart
  • Multiple Force Transducers and Acclerometers

Force Instrumented Treadmill Lab

  • AMTI Dual Belt Front/Rear Force Instrumented Treadmill (new 2009)
  • (16) Camera Vicon Series Motion Capture System
  • (16) Channel Delsys EMG system
  • Cybex Testing Machine
  • NeuroCom SMART Balance Master
  • Multiple Vibration Platforms: Pneu-Vibe
  • TekScan Pressure Mapping Systems: F-Scan, Conformat, Matscan