University College
Academic Advising Syllabus


Academic Advising Vision

Ball State University advisors strive to empower and inspire students to develop a meaningful academic experience using the array of high-quality opportunities and educational tools provided by the university to become impactful leaders in their academic field and community.

Academic Advising Mission

Utilizing a student-centered approach, Ball State University advisors are dedicated to teaching students how to successfully access academic information and connect to crucial resources as well as equipping them with the skills necessary to develop a high-quality educational experience and achieve timely graduation.

Academic Advising Goals

  • Help students acclimate to campus and build a sense of belonging within the University.
  • Empower students, advisors, and staff to actively participate in the academic advising process.
  • Provide students with accessible, knowledgeable, and informed proactive advisors.
  • Ensure students have timely access to advisement and other campus resources as appropriate.
  • Guide students in the establishment of realistic educational, career, and life goals and plans.
  • Make available important and accurate information regarding educational opportunities, requirements, policies, and procedures.
  • Empower advisors and students to use online tools to register for courses and monitor progress towards goal completion.
  • Provide students instruction on campus and advising communication tools.
  • Promote an environment in which students are satisfied that academic advising contributed to their success.

Student Learning Outcomes

Students will:

  • Know how to access educational technology platforms.
  • Know degree requirements.
  • Know how to identify and access campus resources appropriate for their needs.
  • Recognize the role of the academic advisor in the educational experience.
  • Develop skill sets necessary for academic success.
  • Navigate academic systems.
  • Discover their major based on individual interests.
  • Monitor their academic progress.
  • Value the role of the academic advisor in the educational experience.
  • Value the University Core Curriculum’s added depth and breadth to the academic perspectives.
  • Value the academic skills developed during the collegiate experiences.
  • Value the educational opportunities provided by Academic Advising to enhance student development.

Advisor Responsibilities

Advisors will:

  • Be available and respond to your questions in a timely manner.
  • Help you define realistic academic and personal goals.
  • Listen carefully to your concerns and questions and provide support and encouragement.
  • Explain how to access and use the online Ball State catalog.
  • Communicate your program and graduation requirements (including your major and the University Core Curriculum) and monitor your progress towards completion.
  • Explain the time ticket and registration process.
  • Assist in planning courses and an appropriate course load based on your major.
  • Discuss implications of schedule adjustments, including adding, dropping, or withdrawing from courses.
  • Explain how to use DegreeWorks and other academic tools (such as Navigate and Self-Service Banner).
  • Review and adjust your individualized academic plan. 
  • Assist with academic major exploration and major or minor changes; discuss alternate/parallel majors as needed.
  • Discuss strategies for success in college, including time management, study tips, learning styles, and utilizing campus resources.
  • Reinforce that you are ultimately responsible for attaining your educational goals. 
  • Guide you to appropriate campus resources as needed. 

Advisor Legal Responsibilities 

All students—regardless of their age—are protected by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), also called the Buckley Amendment. Under this law, the only student information that may be released to anyone other than the student is called directory information (name, phone, address, enrollment status, etc.). If you would like others to have access to your information regarding registration, financial aid, fee payments, etc., please refer to the Proxy section in Self-Service Banner (SSB), available through MyBallState.

Ball State is committed to helping all students be successful. If you need course adaptations or accommodations because of a documented disability or medical condition, please notify your advisor and Disability Services (Student Center 116, 765-285-5293,

Under Title IX law, your academic advisor is required to act as a reporting authority. Any information shared with your advisor about actions of harm against you or that could put others in danger will be reported to the University’s Title IX coordinator. 

Student Responsibilities 

  • Meet with your academic advisor to review your progress, select courses, and discuss registration each semester.
  • With assistance from your academic advisor, develop a plan that reflects realistic and attainable educational and career goals.
  • Check your Ball State email daily. All correspondence with Ball State staff should come from your University email account.
  • Access resources (Navigate, Self-Service Banner, and Canvas) through your MyBallState page with your Ball State username and password.
  • Confirm that all credits earned in high school (dual credit, Advanced Placement [AP], and International Baccalaureate [IB]) are reflected on your Ball State transcript.
  • Take appropriate math and/or world language placement exams.
  • Attend advising events as notified by your advisor.
  • Become familiar with important content in the online Ball State catalog.
  • Review the University Core Curriculum information and prepare for advising appointments with course ideas.
  • Explore and select your major/minor and discuss with your academic advisor.
  • Know how to access and interpret DegreeWorks, including your individualized academic plan.
  • Understand how to access your time ticket and the basic online registration process.
  • Understand how to use EAB Navigate to review appointments, alerts, and other academic information.
  • Discuss implications of schedule adjustments, including course withdrawal, with your academic advisor and the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.
  • Understand the requirements for your selected major and minor, including courses, application procedures, department policies, and GPA/grade requirements.
  • Consult with your academic advisor if you receive midterm deficiency notices.
  • Consider alternate/parallel degree plans.
  • Seek academic help when needed and request referrals to campus resources from your academic advisor.

How to Meet with Your Advisor

You will be assigned to an academic advisor during each step of your Ball State experience. To find the name and email address of your advisor, access Navigate at To schedule an advising appointment, click the blue Get Assistance button. Advisors are available in person, via Zoom, by phone, and by email.

Student Four-Year Timeline

Prior to Arriving on Campus

  • Complete online orientation modules.
  • Take placement exams for math and/or world languages.
  • Send your college credit to Ball State Admissions (including dual credit and AP exams).
  • Obtain time management tools (such as a planner and/or mobile app).
  • Plan to participate in Welcome Week and/or Summer Bridge programs.

First Year

  • Meet with your academic advisor each semester to confirm progress towards graduation and plan for registration.
  • Communicate with your instructors; ask questions and seek help if necessary.
  • Explore your academic and career interests, including strengths, passions, and purpose.
  • Complete the KEY Careers online experience; consider meeting with a career coach.
  • Connect with the Learning Center to improve your study skills and get help with classes.
  • Get involved in at least one extra-curricular activity (such as Living-Learning Community events, clubs, organizations, intramural sports, part-time jobs, volunteering, etc.).
  • Begin thinking about study abroad, internships, and/or research opportunities.

Second Year

  • Meet with your academic advisor each semester to confirm progress towards graduation and plan for registration.
  • Track academic progress using your DegreeWorks worksheet and academic plan.
  • Get involved in activities or groups within your major, department, and college.
  • Submit application materials for admission to your major/program, if applicable.
  • Meet with a career coach and begin compiling information for a résumé/CV.
  • Explore internships, research opportunities, and/or other career-related experiences.
  • Explore study abroad options through the Rinker Center and discuss appropriate timing and course equivalencies with your academic advisor.

Third Year

  • Meet with your academic advisor each semester to confirm progress towards graduation and plan for registration.
  • Explore and participate in immersive learning opportunities.
  • Consider joining or taking on leadership positions in on- and off-campus clubs and organizations.
  • Create a résumé/CV and cover letter, and begin networking and exploring internship and future employment opportunities.
  • Research graduate programs and take entrance exams (LSAT, GRE, MCAT, GMAT), if applicable.
  • Attend career fairs and graduate school expos and explore employment preparation programs through the Career Center.

Fourth Year

  • Meet with your advisor each semester to review degree progress and confirm graduation status.
  • Identify and confirm completion of necessary graduate school entrance exams, if applicable.
  • Prepare for future goals by selecting and participating in appropriate out-of-class experiences, including internships, research, volunteer work, and leadership positions along with involvement in student organizations.
  • Relate academic coursework and experiences to your post-graduation plans by working with your department and the Career Center to:
    • Update your résumé/CV and/or portfolio and have it reviewed.
    • Explore and submit applications for employment and/or graduate school options.
    • Attend Career Fairs.
  • Apply for graduation via Self-Service Banner two semesters prior to graduation and plan to attend Commencement.
