Academic Advising

Confused about what to do with your life?  One of your most important decisions is selecting a major and/or minor(s). Like many students, you may be exploring different majors or may change your major during your time at the university. Even if you have already chosen a major, you may have no idea what kind of career fields align with that particular major. Ball State provides a number of resources and programs to help you select a major or minor and clarify your career goals. A delay in focusing on a major may add semesters to the completion of a degree.

Some majors at Ball State only accept a limited number of students through a highly competitive admissions process. Other majors may require high grade-point averages or a high skill level in particular subject areas like mathematics or science. Parallel plans are vital in the event that your interests and career plans change or if you are unable to gain admission to a particular major/program.

The best place to start when considering majors is your academic advisor. Advisors are knowledgeable about Ball State’s majors and the resources and services available to help you select one. Once you have evaluated and explored your major options you will be ready to declare (or change) your major.

Match with a Major

Myers-Briggs Personality Types

If you're wondering which careers or majors appeal to you, then consider using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. This test uses scientifically-based insights to categorize personalities into 16 possible types and identify common behaviors. The end result means that you'll understand yourself a little better so you can make a career choice that best fits your personality.


Focus 2

Focus 2 is a self-paced, online career and education planning tool for use by college students. It will enable you to self-assess your career relevant personal qualities and explore career fields and major areas of study that are most compatible with your assessment results. Students who use FOCUS make better decisions about their goals and plans and learn how to self-manage their careers.


Explore Ball State Degrees

Ball State is committed to every students’ bright future. Exploring degree options, for many, is a first step of a student’s journey. This page will allow you to creatively discover the many options Ball State University offers. Whether you want to search by areas of interest or by specific colleges, this tool can be a helpful step in the beginning of your lifelong quest for personal development.


Majors List

All of the majors Ball State offers in an alphabetical list.


Minors List

All of the minors Ball State offers in an alphabetical list.


Graduate Programs

Expand your career and salary options, as well as enhance your expertise and life through a Ball State graduate study program. Similiar to the majors and minors lists, this shows you all of the post-bachelor programs Ball State has to offer.


Academic Major/Minor Coordinator

Interested in how your skills, interests, and values match different majors and careers? This process enables you to explore different opportunities through two different assessment tools. You will receive one-on-one guidance and feedback throughout the process to help you find the major that is right for you. Schedule an Appointment

Career Experience

  • Take an introductory course in major(s) of interest. Talk with your advisor for options.
  • Join a student organization related to specific major(s). Refer to Benny Link for a list of organizations.
  • Find volunteer opportunities through Student Voluntary Services.
  • Find part-time jobs, full-time jobs, or internships related to that major through Career Link.
  • Gain experience through an Immersive Learning project.

Academic Departments

Each academic department offers career-related information and resources, curricular planning advice, class presentations, and activities such as films, lectures, guest speakers, and field trips. Ask your professors for information and check the departmental bulletin boards for news about events and activities. Many departments offer introductory courses designed to give information about the major and/or minor. View Colleges & Departments 

Senior VIP (Very Informed Person) Connections

This program offers you a chance to discuss a particular major with an upperclassman in that field. Learn more about classes, internships, career opportunities, and more. For more information, talk with your academic advisor or pick up a handout in the Learning Center, NQ 350.

Counseling Center Career Assessment

Students often experience some uncertainty about their majors or careers. In fact, 50% of students change their majors once between their freshmen to senior years. Of course, students would prefer to make these changes sooner rather than later in their college years. The Counseling Center can help you with this as we have a battery of career tests FREE of charge that you can take to explore your values, interests, skills, and personality and find the major and career that best fits you. Learn More