Administrative Holds

A hold from the Office of Student Financial Services means that a financial obligation has not been met. Check your eBill for the amount you need to pay

Until your past due balance is paid in full, the hold will prevent you from:

  • registering for classes
  • obtaining a transcript or diploma
  • making a change to a schedule
  • processing an application for admission

Credit for Cancelling or Withdrawing from Courses

How to Drop or Withdraw from Classes

The Office of the Registrar provides information on how to drop or withdraw from classes. Learn more.

Credit for Withdrawing from All Courses

A portion of your registration fees may be refundable if you completely withdraw from all of your courses

Percent Refunded by Weeks in the Semester or Term
Withdrawal During Week 16-Week Term 10-Week Term 8-Week Term 5-Week Term
1 100% 90% 80% 75%
2 80% 70% 60% 40%
3 60% 50% 40% 0%
4 50% 30% 20%
5 40% 10% 0%
6 30% 0%
7 20%
8 10%
9+ 0%

Credit for Withdrawing from an Individual Course(s)

If you wish to withdraw from a course(s), but not your complete registration, you may be eligible for a reduction of your original tuition charges based on the below refund schedule.

Important:  Undergraduate students who withdraw from a course and are still registered from 12 to 18 course credits that semester will not receive an adjustment to their tuition charges.  

Percent Refunded based on the day  in the Semester or Term in which  you withdraw 
16-Week Term 10-Week Term 8-Week Term 5-Week Term
Week 1 - 100% Days 1-5 100% Days 1-4 100% Days 1-3 100%
Week 2 - 75% Days 6-10 50% Days 5-10 50% Days 4-6 50%
Week 3 - 50% Days 11+ 0% Days 11+ 0% Days 7+ 0%
Week 4 - 25%
Week 5+ - 0%

You start the semester taking 12 credits, but you withdraw from a three-credit course in the third week of the semester. That makes you eligible for a tuition-credit rate of 50 percent, which also means you are responsible for 50 percent of the tuition for those three credits you withdrew from (or 1.5 credits). You will receive a tuition credit for that difference of 1.5 credits, which brings your total for the semester to10.5 credits.

You start the semester taking nine credits, but you withdraw from a three-credit course in the second week of the semester. That makes you eligible for a tuition-credit rate of 75 percent, which also means you are responsible for 25 percent of the tuition for those three credits you withdrew from(or .75 credits). You will receive a tuition credit for that difference of 2.25 credits, which brings your total course credits for the semester to 6.75 credits.


For help calculating any changes to your tuition bill, you may use below.

If you have used the withdrawal calculator to determine your eligibility for tuition credit, you understand what credits you are responsible for, and you have verified the resulting effect of a course withdrawal on your financial aid, you may go to SSB to complete an individual/partial withdrawal from a class.