Student Athlete Support Services provides a welcoming, confidential environment that encourages the student throughout their academic career, contributing to their intellectual, personal, and social development toward the completion of a Ball State Degree and preparation for life. Through individual monitoring and academic counseling, workshops, and study table participation, student athletes are challenged to become pro-active, to develop time-management and study strategies, and to stretch their individual sense of responsibility and maturity.

We address student athlete needs which affect academic performance such as:

  • Transition-to-college issues
  • Identification of goals
  • Development of an academic plan
  • Enrichment of study skills
  • Independent and self-disciplined learning
  • Ownership of personal, academic, and social responsibility

SASS provides coordination with University programs, collaborating with them to provide programming, and encourage the use of services to promote student success. For more information on the academic success of our student athletes at Ball State see the Ball State Athletics News and Events.

See our office hours or contact us for more information.