Molds are organisms that can be found in both indoor and outdoor environments and in most known ecological habitats. There are more than 100,000 species of molds and at least 1,000 species of molds are common to the U.S. The most common mold species are Cladosporium, Penicillium, and Aspergillus. Molds play an important role in the environment by breaking down and digesting organic material, such as dead leaves, plants, wood material, and animals.

When mold is discovered, first try to inspect the area to determine the amount of mold in the area. EPA recommends that areas of ten (10) square feet or less can usually be cleaned by the individual using water and detergent solution. Once you know the amount of mold in the area try to determine why the mold started growing.

The key to preventing mold growth is preventing moisture to enter areas where it should not be. If you see or discovered a leak or wet spot, report it immediately so the source can be fixed. 

For more information or questions about mold call the EHS Office or view the BSU Mold Awareness Program.