Ball State proudly supports city, county, and regional initiatives that guide current and future development. Faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to connect with these strategic priorities. Every year we also honor a local organization for their excellent partnership in community-engaged learning experiences.
Our local and regional partners include:
Ball State serves as the backbone organization for the nine-county Talent Collaborative, convening businesses, training and education providers, and nonprofits to pursue shared prosperity through equitable talent attraction, talent developmeasent, and talent connection. Visit their webpage.
Ball State has entered into an historic partnership with Muncie Community Schools, serving as the lead agent in the development of a community-wide vision and plan for the school corporation. Visit their website.
The United Way funds organizations across our county aimed at ending generational poverty by promoting education, health, and financial stability. Each year, hundreds from our campus participate in the United Way’s Day of Action and even more contribute funds through the Ball State Employee United Way Campaign. Our volunteers and immersive learning courses support the efforts of United Way-funded organizations across the community. Visit their website.
Co-chaired by the presidents of Ball State University and IU Health East Central Region, Next Muncie is a long-term redevelopment and revitalization initiative with representatives of Muncie’s private, public, and philanthropic sectors Visit their website.
This strategic plan, created through extensive community input over the past ten years, expresses the values and aspirations of the Muncie, Indiana, community and sets forth an agenda for providing an attractive, desirable place for individuals, families, and businesses. Visit their website.
As one of the first partners of the Healthy Community Alliance, Ball State faculty and staff serve on the alliance steering committee and workgroups that address the top health needs of our community—improved nutrition, increased physical activity, and decreased tobacco use. Visit their website.
Ball State has been a longtime partner with the Muncie-Delaware County Economic Development Alliance’s VISION program, which issues five-year economic development plans representing public and private partnerships across the community. Visit their website.
The East Central Indiana Regional Partnership teams with local economic development organizations and the Indiana Economic Development Corporation to market the assets and resources of the ten-county region, resulting in capital investments, new jobs, and growth of existing businesses. Visit their website.
This regional marketing initiative was developed by a ten-county coalition and seeks to attract talented people to our area, diversity our population, and build pride among residents. In East Central Indiana, you can design the life you want to live. You can get involved, be inspired, and forge your own path. Visit their website.
TogetherDM provides leaders and organizations throughout Delaware-Muncie with tools for making consistent, well-informed, and strategic decisions with their resources to achieve well-defined outcomes. Visit their website.