The Goal Two lifetime learning initiative will cater to both individual learners and Indiana employers and their workforce.
Technology, including online education, is increasing expectations of learners who believe educational opportunities should be less expensive, more flexible, and tailored to their specific interests and needs. Competition from non-University training providers is intensifying as more employers seek people with industry-specific competencies that they believe are not provided by traditional educational institutions. But undue focus on technical competencies may impede a person’s ability to develop the “soft” skills that prepare people for fulfilling careers and meaningful lives. And the accelerating pace of change in our economy, including increased automation, is requiring workers today to become lifetime learners who are willing to acquire new skills and competencies throughout their careers.
To address this changing environment, the Goal Two initiative will provide individual learners with more educational offerings than we currently provide (i.e., degree programs). These include baccalaureate and post-baccalaureate micro-credentials, short-term learning modules, badges, professional licensure, workshops, bootcamps, and other enrichment opportunities.
At the same time, executive education and other types of workforce training can provide companies with the business solutions they need. Opportunities exist to partner with Indiana employers to provide customized training for their workers. We know that every organization is unique. So, partnering with employers allows us to co-create unique, high-quality offerings that meeting each organization’s specific challenges, needs, gaps, or goals.