Going strong since 1987, Air Jam is Ball State's most popular Homecoming event! Come watch student organizations dance and compete in the annual lip-sync competition.
2024 Winners
Overall Winner
- First place: Rhythms Dance Troup
- Runner-Up: Outlet Dance Troup
- First place: Sigma Chi & Alpha Chi Omega
- Runner-Up: Kappa Delta & Phi Delta Theta
Crowd Favorite
- Alpha Phi & Delta Tau Delta
Event Details
How to Enter the Competition
All groups who turn in an entry form will be submitted into a lottery. The lottery drawing will take place during an Instagram Live event, which starts at 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 26 on the Ball State Homecoming Instagram page @bsuhomecoming.
The first 20 teams drawn from the lottery system will compete in the show. Song choices will be given based on the order of the lottery drawing, 1 through 20.
There is a $200 non-refundable entry fee for each team selected in the lottery. Payment must be received from those 20 teams by Thursday, October 3. Each team must have a minimum of five people and a maximum of 10.
Questions about entering the show? Call 765-285-1408 or email us.
Ticket Sales
Purchase your tickets in advance to ensure you get a seat to one of Homecoming's most popular events!
- Tickets are $15 each
- If your large group would like to sit together, group advance tickets can be ordered through 11:59 p.m. on Thursday, October 3. The contact person listed on the advance group ticket form may pick up their group tickets from the Emens Box Office beginning October 11.
- Individual tickets and those not ordered in the presale will be available to purchase at the Emens Box Office beginning October 9.
- Everyone must have a ticket to get into Air Jam!
- All alumni, community, students, faculty, & staff are invited to purchase a ticket and attend Air Jam!
Questions about tickets? Contact Emens Auditorium at 765-285-1539