March 30, 2015
The new Video News Studio is preparing tomorrow’s journalists and strategic communicators.
March 23, 2015
Walking on an incline could improve the physical conditioning of people with knee osteoarthritis or knee replacements, says new study.
March 23, 2015
"Oklahoma!" will be performed at Ball State University March 27, 28, 29 and 31 and April 1-4 in University Theatre. This innovative musical puts a heart-warming spin on a relationship dilemma.
March 23, 2015
Ball State’s Chris Flook is leading a photography survey across the state to capture historic structures and downtowns in rural Indiana.
March 17, 2015
John Schnatter, a 1983 Ball State graduate and founder and CEO of Papa John’s Pizza, will speak and receive an honorary degree at the university’s Spring Commencement.
March 13, 2015
A faculty-student research team will return to Mount Everest in May to continue their studies on the extent of drinking water contamination from human waste on the world’s tallest mountain.
March 11, 2015
Indiana has one of the worst rates of meth abuse in the nation, but adopting prescription-only policies for cold and allergy medicines containing pseudoephedrine could be cost the state millions each year.
March 9, 2015
A study by the Center for Business and Economic Research has found mistakes in property assessments across the state causing errors in tax bills, which are particularly hard on low-income taxpayers.
March 9, 2015
Bernie Hannon, vice president for business affairs at Ball State said university officials have contacted or are working with the IRS, the FTC, the Indiana attorney general and the Indiana Department of Revenue, among others, as investigations continue into tax refund related fraud and other identity theft issues.
March 5, 2015
A resolution authored by State Rep. Sue Errington celebrates 25th anniversary of Ball State’s two-year residential high school for gifted students, the Indiana Academy of Science, Mathematics and Humanities.
March 3, 2015
Governor Mike Pence is directing flags at state facilities statewide to be flown at half-staff in honor of Notre Dame’s Father Theodore Hesburgh.