Topics: Speakers, College of Sciences and Humanities
February 19, 2008
Ball State University's 18th annual Dorothy J. and Richard W. Burkhardt lecture will feature the Andrew W. Mellon professor in the humanities from Johns Hopkins University.
David Bell, also dean of the faculty at Johns Hopkins, will give a lecture titled "The Culture of War in Europe: 1750-1815" at Cardinal Hall at the Pittenger Student Center at 11 a.m. Feb. 22. Admission is free.
Bell earned his bachelor's degree in literature and history from Harvard University and his master's degree and doctorate in history from Princeton University, specializing in French history. He joined Johns Hopkins in 1996, having previously been professor of history at Yale University and a reporter for The New Republic magazine. He was named the Andrew W. Mellon professor in the humanities in 2005.
Burkhardt lectures are provided through a gift from the Burkhardts' three adult children to honor their parents' commitment to Ball State. Dorothy Burkhardt was a French instructor, and Richard Burkhardt, a former provost and acting president, is a professor emeritus of history. Lectures usually focus on culture, history and modern languages.
For more information, call Jean Amman, assistant to the provost, at 765-285-1333.
By Alaric DeArment