Topic: Student Affairs

October 9, 2008

Ball State's Family Weekend, Oct. 24-26, will offer something for everyone with a weekend filled with performances, banquets, outings, a football game and an appearance by comedian and ventriloquist Jeff Dunham.

Dunham will perform at 7 and 10 p.m. Oct. 25 at Emens Auditorium. The ventriloquist comedian has two top-rated specials on Comedy Central and his first DVD, "Jeff Dunham: Arguing with Myself," was released in 2006. The show is reserved seating. Tickets cost $46 and can be purchased through or

Ball State will play Eastern Michigan at Schuemann Stadium at noon Saturday. Admission for students is free with their Ball State IDs. General admission is $10 and reserved seating is $15. For tickets, call 1-888-BSU-TICKET or log on to

Also for sports enthusiasts, the first Family Weekend golf outing has been planned with registration at 8 a.m. and tee-off at 9 a.m. at the Player's Club. For information call 765-285-1031. Chase Charlie, a 5K run/walk, will take place at Schuemann Stadium at 8 a.m. Saturday. Visitors can also use Ball State's recreational facilities for no charge all weekend.

Families and visitors on campus for Family Weekend can also explore the arts. The Department of Theatre of Dance will host the senior choreography showcase all weekend in the Korsgaard Dance Studio in Ball Gym, Room 213. A choral concert will be held in Sursa Performance Hall on Saturday and the Museum of Art will host a special exhibition all weekend.

A children's fair, trip to Muncie's farmers market and visit to the city's downtown will take place Saturday. Other family weekend events include tours of Ball State, dean's list receptions, department open houses, performances and more.

For more detailed information about programs, visit the Family Weekend Web site at For more information call Campus Programs at 765-285-1031.

By Chanel Richards