Start: October 22, 2024 9:30 a.m.
End: October 24, 2024 5 p.m.
Location: Whitinger Business Building
Contact Details
Miller College of Business Office of the Dean
Join us for the largest professional development event of the year October 22-24. Network with alumni as they join us on campus to participate in numerous panel discussions. Alumni will share their experiences leading a range of industries, including manufacturing, financial services and telecommunications. Networking and social opportunities complement professional development sessions and workshops.
Visit for the most recent scheduling information.
Dialogue Days will kickoff on Tuesday, October 22 with two virtual panel discussions offered. A third virtual panel discussion will be held on Wednesday. To register for a virtual panel discussion, follow the link in the Dialogue Days schedule. Advance registration is only required for the virtual, online panel discussions.
All other panel discussions will be offered in person on Wednesday and Thursday and attendance is on a first-come first-served space-available basis. Arrive a few minutes early to allow for entry into the event. Students should bring their Ball State I.D.
Registration is required for the three virtual sessions:
- Managing Your Career & Personal Brand
- Do's and Don'ts for the New Hire
- Challenges & Opportunities of Working for a Company with a Global Focus
Dialogue Days is supported by Ball State Financial, a division of Financial First Credit Union and Trinity Metals, LLC.