About University College
University College provides a common gateway to the academic programs available to students attending Ball State University. Our programs and services focus on assisting students with the development of the knowledge and skills needed for success in the collegiate environment. As a hub for student academic support, University College houses Academic Advising, Student-Athlete Support Services, the Learning Center, Student Success Coaching, and the First-Year Experience. Each of these service areas work collaboratively to provide a menu of services for students to promote academic excellence and to enhance student retention and persistence.
Our Mission
University College is an interdisciplinary, collaborative academic unit that offers student-centered programs and services that enhance students' success. We are the academic unit at Ball State that provides a common gateway to the academic programs available to students. University College coordinates existing university resources and develops new initiatives to promote academic excellence and enhance student retention and persistence. It provides a setting where faculty, staff, and students share in the responsibility for making Ball State a supportive, caring, and challenging environment for learning.
We will achieve our mission by:
- Promoting student learning.
- Focusing on individual student success.
- Establishing traditions and recognizing accomplishments.
- Providing a quality first-year experience.
- Developing strong connections with degree-granting units.
- Creating a community that values diversity.
- Committing to intentional reflection and assessment.