You can choose to student teach in Indiana or from one of our national or international opportunities.


If you choose to student teach in Indiana, you will complete an application indicating your address which allows us to place you in a school within our Clinical Practice Network within a reasonable commute from your intended residence

Special Indiana opportunities are available in Professional Development Schools and Partnership Schools.

Professional Development Schools (PDS) are collaborative planning partnerships between Ball State professional education programs and P-12 schools. The faculty in each PDS partnership work with faculty from Ball State to explore and develop initiatives that promote high-quality professional development for the teachers in the school, high quality teacher preparation for Ball State candidates who work in the school, improved learning and achievement for the students in the school, and research to improve teaching and learning.

There are many schools in the network, with more being added each year. Sites include urban and rural settings and provide especially rich experiences for future teachers. It is our hope that eventually all placements of candidates for practicum and student teaching experiences will be in these schools.

More Information

For more information, visit the program’s web page or contact Jon Dee, director of the Office of Teacher Education Services.

Our partnership schools are educational sites that collaborate with us to provide a supportive environment for a cohort of pre-service teachers.

This partnership model is a logical evolution of the need to improve the pre-service field experiences and their supervision under the performance assessment model of teacher preparation. The teachers and administrators in our partner schools work closely with an assigned university supervisor to provide a high-quality student teaching experience for you. The placement of cohorts of students in the partnership schools assures a more consistent model of supervision for the student teaching experience.

There are many who have agreed to work in partnership with Ball State. These schools include both urban and rural settings and provide unique experiences for the student teachers.

More Information

For more information, visit the program’s web page or contact Jon Dee, director of the Office of Teacher Education Services.

If you want to make a difference, you won't wait long.

That's because at Ball State, elementary education students are active in the community from the very first semester. The program's introductory class involves a service-learning component geared toward working alongside the community to help children succeed.

This community-engaged learning supports the development of "community teachers" who contribute to and participate in a collective will to make educational equity a reality for all children.

Community involvement isn't just about serving our neighbors. The benefits are mutual. These experiences can provide you with opportunities to grow through real-world learning.

This community-engaged learning supports the development of "community teachers" who contribute to and participate in a collective will to make educational equity a reality for all children.

Community involvement isn't just about serving our neighbors. The benefits are mutual. These experiences can provide you with opportunities to grow through real-world learning.

Learn more.

Programs outside the state and country let you explore intercultural issues outside the campus setting.

Our carefully crafted experiences through the Cultural Immersion Program, which is in collaboration with Indiana University, will let you student teach on a Navajo Reservation or travel overseas. The program also boasts very high employment success.

A few of the highlights include:

  • cross-cultural teaching and living experiences
  • contribution to the development and acceptance of cultural pluralism study and to American Indian and overseas education
  • adaptation of your teaching styles and strategies to the culture of your students
  • new friends, self-fulfillment, and increased confidence

American Indian Reservation Project

You’ll spend 17 full weeks in schools serving American Indian youth on the Navajo Reservations of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. You’ll live in Bureau of Indian Affairs dormitories and contribute to the afterschool "dorm life" program.

Overseas Project

You will student teach in England, Wales, Scotland, Republic of Ireland, India, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, or Kenya.

You will student teach at least 10 weeks in Indiana, followed by eight to 10 weeks overseas. While overseas, you’ll live with families in their communities.

Features of Both Projects

  • preparation for the host culture and education system, issues and conditions of the placements sites, and participant responsibilities while on-site
  • friendships with members of the host culture and participation in their daily tasks of life
  • an on-site academic component through which you’ll process your school, community and cultural experiences and observations, and generate professional and personal changes and adaptations built upon new learning
  • graduate-level credit earned in addition to student teaching credit
  • up to 90 percent employment success upon completion of the projects
  • placements for elementary, secondary, and all grade majors

More Information

For more information, contact Laura Stachowski.

Student teaching through our Aldine Independent School District partnership means you’ll complete your experience within a very successful and diverse school district outside the Houston, Texas area. 

North of downtown Houston, the district will let you complete your field experience in a culturally and economically diverse setting. The district exceeds 58,000 students, over 90 percent of whom are classified as minority and 73 percent as economically disadvantaged.

Learn more about the school district.

Through an agreement with the U.S. Department of Defense Schools (DoDDS), elementary and secondary education majors may student teach on a U.S. Air Force base in Ramstein, Germany.
International programs let you explore intercultural issues outside a campus setting. All schools are located on a United States Air Force base in the Rhine and Mosul Valley region. Although the schools are in Germany, student teachers teach American children who are the dependents of military and civilian personnel stationed abroad.

Participating Schools

You will be assigned to one of the following schools, which are part of the DoDDS-Europe Kaiserslautern District.

Other Helpful Websites

  • conversion rate—Understand the rate for the U.S. dollar to Euro. You can use your ATM card to withdraw Euros at the airport.
  • school calendar
  • standards—Click on the subject area on the left side of the page. Click on the “Standards” tab to view a PDF file for each grade level.
  • USO tours—There are also inexpensive USO tours you can take. These trips must be booked in person in Kaiserslautern. You can also get tour information and schedules from the Kaiserslautern USO travel page on Facebook.
For more information contact:
 Dr. Rachel Geesa