Accelerated Master's Programs

The Accelerated Master’s Programs in Psychological Science and in Clinical Psychology offer students the opportunity to begin working on their master’s degree while they complete their bachelor’s degree.

Our AMP gives students the chance to earn an advanced, two-year MA degree with only one year of graduate tuition! Students completing the AMP will be better positioned to earn a Ph.D. or to gain employment in research related careers due to our programs’ rigorous curriculum, numerous research experiences, and hands-on learning opportunities. Indeed, our AMP outcomes align well with the skills most doctoral programs require in their candidates; advanced knowledge of the subject area and the scientific method, research experience, and involvement as well as those sought by employers; written and oral communication, problem-solving, and strategic planning.

Our AMP also serves the needs of students who are unsure of their future professional goals but want to further their training and professional development. This is achieved by a close working relationship between AMP students and their faculty mentor.

Undergraduate students will declare interest in an AMP during their Sophomore year and also identified an AMP mentor. AMP applications must be submitted and completed during the Spring of their Junior year. Performance in advanced statistics, and seminar/honors courses will be used to help determine admission.

Accelerated Master's Programs in the Department of Psychological Science

Students completing the AMP in Psychological Science or Clinical Psychology have the opportunity to complete nine graduate course credits toward both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees. Once AMP students complete their bachelor’s degree, they go on to earn the MA degree with just one additional year of coursework!

MA in Clinical Psychology - Students gain advanced clinical psychology knowledge through graduate courses focusing on the principles and theories of behavior and the exploration of the scientific underpinnings of psychopathology. Students would receive training consistent with a clinical science model expanding their knowledge of mental and behavioral health problems. Additionally, our program will provide students with greater critical research experience and skills helping them develop their area of research interests.

See Sample Schedule

MA in Psychological Science - Students receive training consistent with an interdisciplinary approach to the scientific study of the mind and behavior. Students will be able to expand their knowledge through a deeper understanding of psychological principles and theories of behavior while delving into the core pillars of psychology:

  • Biological (i.e. neuroscience and physiological psychology)
  • Cognitive (i.e. the study of perception, cognition, and memory)
  • Development & Individual Differences (i.e. lifespan development)
  • Social and Personality (i.e. the study of personality, emotion, and motivation)
  • Diversity (i.e. diversity in research, prejudice, and attitudes)
See Sample Schedule

Ready to Apply?

To apply for either of these AMP options, students must have earned a minimum of 75 credit hours (at least 30 must be earned at Ball State) with an overall GPA of 3.25. Applicants must complete the Graduate School’s application and submit a statement of purpose, writing sample, and three letters of recommendation.

Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to meet with Dr. Anjolii Diaz, Director of Graduate Studies for Psychological Science, to discuss their plans before they apply. For more information please contact Dr. Diaz at
